Last Encounter Part 2

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Oliver hasn't seen the redhead in a year. Out of all places, it had to be this one? Oliver sighed shakily about how uncomfortable and flushed he was earlier. Fukase seemed very surprised as well but reacted rather composed. Oliver cringed when he recalled his reaction. This certainly didn't leave off a good impression. He still considered his feelings for Fukase to have faded by now, but seeing the redhead again still somewhat overwhelmed him.

Oliver fidgeted with the sleeves of his coat. Waiting in this silence grew more uncomfortable with every minute passing by. He was glad to not have Fukase around at least, to sort out his thoughts in silence. The blond was still confused what Fukase was doing here. The young woman clearly wasn't related to him – Oliver would have known about her much longer then. Oliver gulped troubled as his conclusion fell on a deeper relationship both of them could be in. It has been almost a year of separation, surely Fukase found a new partner by then. This assumption made his heart shatter a bit nevertheless.

There wasn't much time to think about that any further, as the blond locked eyes with an unfamiliar figure. Both flinched startled for a moment as Oliver introduced himself hastily. The young woman's skeptical frown turned into a warm smile and she shook hands with Oliver.

"My, Fukase, why do you let a stranger in this house without even keeping an eye on him?" Sophia glared at Fukase, who was back on his laptop in the living room, as the woman and Oliver passed by. Fukase looked up rather unimpressed and eyed Oliver for a second, before turning to Sophia again. "He's my ex. It's fine, he won't do anything stupid."

Sophia faltered surprised and let her eyes waver between the two men. Oliver smiled uneasily and scratched the back of his head. Particularly right now, he felt terribly unwanted. Fukase's cold reaction to seeing him clearly contributed to that. The redhead turned back to his laptop, trying to ignore the others in the room. Oliver could only stand there, unsure of how to react. Also Sophia seemed helpless what to say now.

"Um...well, I have the furniture you wanted with me," Oliver said eventually and caused Sophia to jump out of her trance. She nodded hasty and led Oliver to the front door. However, not before she told Fukase to come along for help as well. When Oliver opened the transporter, he had trouble keeping in an amused chuckle over the woman's reaction. She gasped excited and stepped in the vehicle immediately. Inspecting the furniture in there, her smile widened. "Thank you so much, Oliver. They look even better than in the photos."

Oliver retorted the smile and got in the transporter as well. He lifted up the first piece of furniture and brought it in the house, where Sophia directed him to. With the help of the other two, this was a lot easier than expected and Oliver internally sighed in relief. He helped out only of politeness. He didn't want it to be too much of a bother then. However, Fukase's help also weighed the blond down. He noticed the frown on Fukase's face as they all carried his and Oliver's former belongings into the new home. Oliver didn't expect the redhead to be rather upset about it but he didn't speak up. Fukase didn't seem too thrilled to talk with Oliver from the start on anyway. Both barely locked eyes, and when they did, Fukase's didn't seem excited in any way to see the blond again.

"So, Fukase is helping me prepare for dinner," Sophia mentioned while pushing the drawer further into the empty room. She noticed the tense atmosphere surrounding them and assumed it was difficult for the former partners to warm up. Fukase glanced over at her, unsure of where she was going with that statement. "As whiny as he can be, he surely told you why though."

Oliver's smile faded, and he looked away saddened. For a moment, it felt like from a few years ago, but instead of a warm feeling to have Fukase talk to him, there was a cold emptiness in his chest. Sophia noticed the sudden change of mood in surprise and exchanged glances with Fukase.

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