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Mindlessly, Oliver scrolled through the seemingly endless list of contacts on his partner's phone. The redhead didn't mind that as he was assured the blond wasn't intruding too much into his privacy by reading his chats. That was also the reason he handed his phone to Oliver every time the blond was bored – just like now.

Fukase was busy preparing another presentation for his class tomorrow. He was fairly new to being a trainee teacher; standing in front of a group of adolescents and conveying to them the necessary material for the subsequent years wasn't an easy task for him. Therefore, he wanted to make sure to prepare himself diligently enough. Unfortunately, his perfectionism curtailed the time he would usually spend with Oliver. Fukase felt quite guilty to neglect the blond only for work, but he hardly had any other choice than doing so reluctantly.

With a quick glance to his right, the redhead checked on his boyfriend, who was lying on the couch motionless. Only with his thumb, he continued to search through all the functions Fukase's phone enabled. Eventually, the blond stopped and read through the chatroom both shared. Already, a few messages of Fukase's let Oliver smile faintly, especially the numerous texts the redhead sent at lunch break. However, shortly afterwards, Oliver noticed a peculiarity gracing their chat he didn't find on any of the other contacts. With a frown, the blond wanted to confirm his assumptions by scrolling one more time through the endless list of names.

Wondering what intention lay behind this, Oliver sat up and pushed his messy bangs out of his sight. As he called for the redhead, a feeling of envy crawled up his body. The blond averted his eyes from the screen with a frown and lifted up the device in his hand to show Fukase what confused him.

"Why does everyone of your contacts have a nickname but me?" Oliver bent his head and searched through the contacts once more, "Even my friend you met only once is called 'ThatCatDude'." Oliver perceived a chuckle coming from Fukase and frowned even more to see the redhead didn't take him seriously.

Fukase walked up to where his counterpart sat and put his arm around the smaller one, looking at his contacts himself. With a sly grin, Fukase turned to Oliver and pulled him closer. "If you insist, I can call you 'Olive' like I used to do."

"To remind us both of our awkward phase of dating? No thanks," Oliver retorted, shaking off the astonishment of Fukase still recalling that time.

"I'm not sure why. I just like calling your name, I guess," Fukase eventually answered with a shrug, "Does that bother you?"

Oliver shook his head in discomfort and sighed, his eyes fixed on the numerous nicknames presented on the screen. "No, I mean, do whatever you want. That's fine with me."

Fukase blinked confused but started to realize after some time what the blond felt bothered with. An amused grin found its way to the redhead's face as he rose an eyebrow. "Do you feel less special because you have no unique nickname?"

Oliver frowned puzzled to hear Fukase venting that openly. Despite his attempt to not let his hidden jealousy surface, the readhead noticed and started to laugh amused. Between his hiccup-like laughter, Fukase managed to whisper a "How cute" and let himself fall on his back. Even though the blond knew his partner's laughing wasn't meant to be rude, he felt offended his question turned out as an embarrassment for him. With a slightly irritated sigh, Oliver wanted to stand up but Fukase clutched the blond's hand to stop him.

The redhead sat up again and coughed out his last laughter before turning his attention back to the blond, who was about to leave. With a slight push, Fukase pulled him down on his seat again and smiled. "Don't worry, you'll always be my one and only."

"Thanks for the bootlicking, Prince Charming." Oliver rolled his eyes but smiled about the cheesy words of the older one. Fukase hummed in contentment to see Oliver in a better mood again and scrolled through the dozens of chatrooms himself. While doing so, he realized the blond never complained about not having a nickname before, wherefore the redhead asked about it surprised. Oliver only shrugged his shoulders reluctantly. "I didn't really notice it until now."

After a moment of silence, Fukase nodded eventually and walked back to his desk, ready to continue his due work. "Well, if you want to, I can think of a name," Fukase chuckled and turned his head back to Oliver, who remained on the couch, his eyes directed to the redhead. "Something like 'JellyOllie'."

"Knock it off!" Oliver shouted but burst out in laughter about his own previous, unfounded jealousy. After silence fell between those two, the blond watched Fukase continue his work. Boredom was about to kick in again as the sudden thought of giving the redhead a more unique nickname stroke his mind. With a sly grin, Oliver snickered once he found a certain nickname he could tease Fukase with.

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