Everything Hurts (Crackfic)

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"Fuka, come help me out already!"

Oliver let out a few more whines and leaned back in his chair. He pushed himself off the desk but the small wheels on his chair didn't bring him far. Turning his head over, he spotted Fukase to be lying on the bed, focused on his phone once again.

"With what?" he asked clearly unenthusiastically. His eyes were still focused on the small screen in his hands.

"My back hurts. And my neck. And my knees."

"Then stretch."

Oliver groaned and simulated the movements half-heartily. His body sunk together again, sending stings on his sore muscles. The blond fell back into another whining fit but got no attention on him.

"I already did that. It's not helping at all."

Fukase sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. He rolled on his back, imitating his boyfriend by looking at him from upside down. The two threw a few grimaces at each other, trying to get out a few laughter but they were both out of energy. 

It has turned nighttime long ago and Fukase would have went to sleep long ago if it was not for the blond, who insisted to keep the lights on while he was at work; he had to take care of the one eye he had left, after all.

"Why do you even bother?" Fukase sighed and wrapped himself in the blanket. He reached out an arm towards Oliver, hoping the blond would fall for his trap so he could force him to bed. However, all he got were a few empty stares and more whines as Oliver climbed around on the chair, hoping to find a more comfortable position.

"Author is tired. They've been doing that the past few nights already," Oliver mumbled and looked back at the laptop on his desk. The blinding light hurt his eye by now. He frowned as he rubbed it. "But someone has to keep up with the updates of the oneshot book."

"Well, that's certainly not our problem."

Fukase still wasn't too convinced that this was an issue worth robbing him hours of sleep. He shuddered when imagining the next morning. Since they had run out of coffee powder, he tried to act against his usual lack of energy by sleeping more, but his plans got cancelled today.

Oliver noticed the grumpy look on his partner's face and laughed. However, his attempt to cheer up the atmosphere was met with a pair of eyes sending daggers his way.

"We could be nice for once and then maybe we wouldn't get so many depressing stories," Oliver muttered and smiled when reminiscing the times he and Fukase had spent together that were filled solely with happiness and nothing else. There were occasions in the oneshot book, but he sometimes hoped for more outside the 1k stories. All he got, though, were bittersweet reminders of their love woven in cruel fates.

Fukase spat out a laugh and shook his head vehemently. Merely the thought of it filled his throat with despicable laughter.

"As if. It seems they're obsessed with seeing us suffer."

"Fukaseeee," Oliver whined even louder this time. He didn't want to bother with distraction any longer – especially not if it was Fukase tattling again; after all, author is listening even while he is sleeping – and instead focused back on the initial problem. He repeatedly yelled out his lover's name until the redhead could no longer bear it and screamed out complaints himself.

"Fine then!" He got up and kneeled on the bed, pointing next to him. "Get away from the desk. Try lying down on your belly, maybe that works."

Oliver quickly agreed on the invitation to find a way to help with his aching limbs. He threw the laptop along with himself on the bed and sighed. The change in position was both relieving and painful. However, the blond soon noticed that there was not a single comfortable way to put his arms whilst typing. Letting out another overdramatic sigh, Oliver glanced over to Fukase, but he has already returned back on his phone.

Oliver frowned and searched for a more comfortable position himself. Even so, no matter whether he rolled to his side, sat back up or tangled up his limbs in other peculiar ways, at least one of his aching spots would act up eventually. On the verge of giving up, Oliver rolled his torso on Fukase's belly and stared up at his face until he got his attention. Fukase retorted the stare and rose an eyebrow. Oliver sighed and pouted.

"Maybe we should really let author worry about it. It's their job anyway."

"Told you so." Fukase smirked and laid his phone aside to lean closer to Oliver. "But first off, hurry and give me the laptop before they wake up."

Oliver couldn't react quickly enough as the redhead already reached for the laptop and typed vividly. The blond rolled around to try and see what his partner was doing, but Fukase evaded every single one of his attempts.

"What are you doing?"

Fukase's eyes continued to be fixated on the screen, but a sly grin grew on his face in the process of his typing.

"Changing the ending of 'Nowhere Haven'. I got a glimpse of it the other day. No way in hell I'll agree to that."

Oliver jumped up with a gasp, trying to bend over the laptop to see it for himself. However, Fukase only bent the top down a little, sending him warning glares to not take it too far. Oliver backed away again but grumbled.

"Why? What is going to happen?"

"Definitely not going to tell you. You'll just start crying again."

"That's not fair! I won't!"

"Yes, you will," Fukase laughed and shut off the laptop. He stood up to put the device back on the desk, satisfied with his work. Oliver looked at him with puppy-eyes, trying to get information out of the redhead that way. Fukase chuckled and threw himself on the blond, strangling him in a hug and ignoring the further complaints coming out of the body lying next to him. Now he finally managed to get the sleep he deserved.

I was trying out a new crackfic style and ended up putting enough effort in it that it might serve as another poor attempt on my side to entertain you guys. I'm sorry; quarantine is getting to me, I guess, but better stories are on the way, so don't worry!

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