Forced Plans for the Future

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As Fukase heard the bell ringing he hurried to the frontdoor that revealed the blond standing behind it. With a small smile the redhead let the boy come inside and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Both went to Fukase's room where Oliver let himself fall on the bed with a sigh. With a surprised frown Fukase sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down at the seemingly sleeping face of the other one.

"Why did you want to come over that late? You didn't tell me."

"I just wanted to get away from my parents for a time," Oliver sighed and sat up, leaning on his left arm. "Sorry if I'm disturbing."

"Never," Fukase replied with a smile and let silence fall between the two in which they were only staring at each other.

Oliver broke the eye contact and sighed heavily once again. He felt like the whole sighing just wouldn't help him getting rid of his pressure. "I think my dad is afraid of loosing me."

"What?" Fukase rose an eyebrow and Oliver clung to the albino's arm, nodding weakly. "He just wants to be with me all day long. Driving me here and there. Even the time I spend with you and school is too much for him."

"How so?"

"He wants me to be a singer."

"Well, you've got the voice," Fukase shrugged and pinched the smaller one's nose.

"So do you," Oliver smiled and closed his eyes. "It's just that he doesn't accept any other decision concerning my future. He wants me to be famous."

"Didn't you want to become a doctor? You can get famous with that, too."

Fukase turned his head to Oliver with a chuckle. "You just need to get rid of your one eye problem."

Oliver pouted. "If my parents can finally afford it, I get a glass one."

Fukase chuckled and lay down on his bed, pushing Oliver with him, who leaned his head on the redhead's chest. In silence he listened to the dull heartbeat and felt way better to have someone to talk to.

"He just wants you to end up better," Fukase suddenly said and Oliver looked up slightly confused. As the ginger noticed Oliver didn't understand what he meant he continued. "Your family has financial problems, it's hard for them to offer you anything. How do you want to pay your university fee? They're just worried you end up like them."

"That comes out confident out of your mouth. The one who never experienced such life."

Fukase looked away to his window, his lips pressing together. "I can imagine."

"Without money you can't enter the music industry anyway," Oliver shrugged and Fukase nodded, being slightly in thoughts. He rolled on his side to look into Oliver's eyes.

"In three years you're free. Then they can't decide anymore what you do."

"That's pretty ungrateful," Oliver frowned and Fukase smiled a little. "Then welcome to my kind of life."

Both sat there in silence until Oliver felt his eyes getting heavier. He knew he should be heading back home, but saw Fukase typing on his phone. And since he knew the redhead too good, he knew Fukase already informed Oliver's parents to let him stay at Fukase's place for a day.

Oliver sighed to the relaxing sounds the keyboard of Fukase's phone made. The blond didn't know how Fukase could type with only one hand while the other one stroke through the blond's hair, but he didn't question it. It was Fukase after all.

"You should try to tell him what you really want to do if you don't want to hurt him later on," Fukase whispered. He heard Oliver's regular breathing, indicating the younger one had already fallen asleep. The redhead on the other hand was wide awake.

"But even so, I make sure you're never only on your own," Fukase smiled and closed his eyes. 

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