Cuddling Is Better than Watching

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With quiet steps Oliver found his way through the apartment. It was dark outside and he felt his tiredness taking over his body; he decided to go to bed early. Still, he wanted to say goodbye to Fukase who was currently getting ready.

"How long do you have to hear their pointless stuff?"

Fukase sighed, but a smile found a way to his face.

"Probably the whole night."

Oliver came closer and embraced the taller one, stroking over his back. He knew how much Fukase hated to be gone at night but his job didn't allow it otherwise.

"C'mon, you're tired. Go to sleep."

Oliver nodded weak, realizing he should really get some sleep now and placed a goodbye kiss on Fukase's cheek.

As soon as Oliver closed the bedroom door, he heard a piano playing. Oliver had to smile. Fukase often played the piano when he was trying to concentrate. The blond tried to listen more to it, but fairly soon his eyes closed and he drove off to his dreams.

Tiredly Oliver blinked a few times as he awoke because of a familiar music. It was the piano Fukase had played before the blond had fallen asleep. Oliver wondered why Fukase was still in their apartment, but he didn't question it any further as he was too tired to think about it anyway.

Shortly afterwards he got awakened from his sleep once again, but this time by somebody crawling over him to the other side of the bed. Oliver smiled and snuggled against the chest of the other one. It wasn't Fukase's smell, but Oliver was sure the several scents from outside were a cause of that.

Oliver put his arms around his counterpart to pull him even closer as he felt himself drifting off to sleep once again.

Fukase sighed exhausted. He couldn't sleep a single minute this night and all he wanted was to feel the comfort of his bed; maybe Oliver was still asleep as well. With a small smile Fukase hoped so and opened the door to their bedroom.

He wasn't much surprised he had to shield his eyes from the blinding sun rays as Oliver usually slept with the curtains opened, but as he let his eyes wander to the bed he froze in shock.

In there lay his loved one with a faint smile on his lips. He would've looked so calm and peaceful like always if these dark red stains haven't covered him. Fukase couldn't react out of shock seeing the lifeless body in the bed, blood everywhere.

Fukase didn't know why but he managed to look away from the terrifying sight that left him in complete silence. Like a reflex, he looked to the window only to find a sloppy handwriting on the glass.

'Cuddling is better than watching'

Fukase still couldn't make a move and gasped, realizing what was going on. He wanted to do something as he felt two arms embracing him from behind. He didn't defend himself or speak up. He did nothing. The stranger behind him breathed out with a smile.

"Cuddling is better than watching."

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