I Just Want to Be Normal

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Once Oliver entered the room, dazzling sunlight struck his sight. He quietly pulled the curtains closed and sighed. The heat of a numbing summer afternoon crawled its way into the apartment and started to bother even him. He now regretted to have never fixed the air conditioning.

Even so, Oliver returned to why he entered his bedroom in the first place. With a pained smile, he sat down on the edge of his bed and turned to look at his sleeping boyfriend. The shallow breathing troubled him, but there was not much he could do about it. Out of trivial caution, the blond pressed his index and middle finger on the side of Fukase's neck. The cold sweat covering it startled him at first but he wiped it off with no further thought. A relief sigh escaped inside of him to find a somewhat stable pulse at least.

He reached down to the bedside and fished a cloth out of the bowl of lukewarm water. While wringing it out, Oliver looked at his own hands. He managed to get them completely scratched up, trying to drag Fukase along the chipped walls. Not that he cared much for it now, but the cooling water was a relief either way.

Placing the wet cloth as carefully as possible on Fukase's forehead, Oliver immediately received a hollow sigh in response. Fukase's chest rose and sunk heavily a few times before his eyelids weakly fluttered open. Oliver's smile widened as he stroke across his partner's temples.

Fukase's empty eyes met the blond's, but he could not say anything yet. Oliver continued to caress the redhead.

"Are you feeling better?"

"No," Fukase sighed and tried to roll on his side, without much success. Another husky sigh pressed out of his chest. "I'm so sick of my body. Why did this have to happen again?"

"Hush...don't be upset. You've been pushing yourself quite a lot today."

"In what way? Because we were moving a few boxes around? Everyone else can do that but me!" Fukase averted his glance, but barely managed to move his face along – the wet cloth on his forehead made it difficult to move much overall. The slight movements wringed out more water. Oliver wiped the strings of water off his partner's face.

"Everyone is different and you have to treat your body just a little bit nicer. Be kinder to yourself." Oliver leaned in and placed a few small kisses across Fukase's face. A small smile briefly found a way to his partner's face, but worries pushed Fukase once more.

"How can I when all it does is to get in the way?" Fukase looked up to Oliver who surprisingly didn't have anything to say. The redhead weakly wrapped his fingers around the blond's wrist. 

"I want to be normal, Oliver. I want to live a normal life and do normal things with ease." Silence briefly filled the room, while Fukase was trying to compose himself again. The heat was slowly getting to him once more and Oliver redid the cloth on his forehead.

"I want to surprise you with normal couple stuff. Having wild water gun and pillow fights, carrying you around no matter where and when, or just having you put your head on my chest without almost suffocating."

Oliver took the fingers that were clutching his wrist just now in his hands and pressed them lightly, a deep frown accompanying his gesture. He nodded a few times in sympathy, close to feeling hopeless himself once more.

"I get you, I really do. It's understandable you're upset about it, but don't be so negative. There's just a few things you can't do, but then there's a ton of other things you can do and that's what matters."

"Eh, yeah? I'm still doing worse than the average person," Fukase scoffed and looked away.

Oliver watched him grumble for a while but then fell into a short laughter. He leaned back and carefully put his head on his boyfriend's belly. A short glance up to his face showed him that Fukase was paying attention on him again. The redhead rose an eyebrow and leaned on his elbows, but Oliver just shook his head in response, grinning mischievously.

"I love you."

Fukase faltered for a second before huffing off the sudden confession.

"Where did that suddenly come from?" he grumbled. Oliver chuckled at Fukase's suddenly flushed face. He leaned forward to touch his face, but rolled back quickly enough once the body underneath him twitched from the sudden weight on the chest.

"We don't say that enough," Oliver breathed out and repeated those words a few more times with an ever-growing smile the more flustered his boyfriend got.

"Stop changing the topic."

Fukase averted his face but Oliver knew exactly why, which is why he took no offense in the sudden complaint. Instead, he took it to his own advantage to convert it into teasing. He hummed to himself and put a finger to his lips, tapping them lightly.

"Oh, was I? I don't think so." Fukase turned back to Oliver, surprised by the different voice pitch. He couldn't hide the smile that grew on his face once he found the blond acting this adorable.

"I just told you that there's nothing you have to feel bad about yourself and that I love you just the way you are. Is that not a good transition?"

Fukase pulled his torso up to lean against the wall behind him and laughed faintly. Oliver's contagious smile could break even his most bitter emotions. He pushed the blond bangs aside to gaze easier into his lover's eye, enchanted in the sweet warming expression it showed him.

"Done with flattering me now?" Fukase retorted eventually with a sly grin, receiving just the same energy back. Oliver sat back up to nudge the redhead's cheek in revenge and laughed.

"Not until you stop hating this body I adore so much."

Oliver leaned forward and sealed their lips with a kiss, undermining his words with a sign of sincerity. Once they pulled away again, he leaned his head on Fukase's shoulder and stared in his eyes for a moment, watching him retort the glances with a hint of confusion. Oliver's lips curved into a smile.

"You're probably sick of hearing it by now but I will repeat it until you get it in your head. You don't have to feel bad to not get to do everything with me. I really don't mind."

Fukase bit the inside of his cheek and gave a low hum, still not quite convinced. However, he pushed his thoughts aside for a moment.

"There's hardly any better way to spend time with you other than this here anyways," he said and laughed at the sudden shift in Oliver's face, "Looks like I flustered you this time."

Oliver leaned back again and let out a few chuckles, scratching his cheek dumbfounded.

"It's not everyday you say something nice, you know," the blond muttered and received whiny protests in response. The two of them fell back into a short fit of laughter and teased one another until Fukase had enough strength to get back up.

Oliver jumped off the bed first and headed back into the pile of work that was still lying ahead of them. Fukase followed only slowly, still taking it easy. Despite the inconvenience, he couldn't be completely upset about it; Oliver's words once again managed to make him feel like a normal person. 

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