Jet Lag

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With slight nervousness building up every second, Oliver stared down the aisle in front of him, as so many others next to him did as well. All of them were waiting for people finally getting out of there and into the main hall. It was only a matter of minutes.

It's been a while since Oliver stood in front of the aisle for the baggage claim, his grip tightened around the metal support of the glass gate. Yet, he could still clearly recall the feelings he had during prior events. It was always a little nerve-wracking, but also a huge relief. His eyes wavered quickly through the crowd of people getting out of the aisle eventually. A smile found its way to his face as Oliver perceived a certain bright red hair sticking out of the crowd. His heart beat increased immediately. Quickly, he made his way along the glass gate to where he could greet the person he has been waiting for.

With a wide smile, Oliver watched Fukase come closer. Also the redhead noticed the blond's presence by now and smiled weakly. Oliver knew why. This kind of rather unenthusiastic greeting didn't keep him from grinning like an idiot though. With a few steps done to Fukase, the blond wrapped his arms around his lover and hold him tightly. The redhead retorted the hug only reluctantly and leaned his head against the shorter one's shoulder with a heavy sigh.

"This has been a long travel, hasn't it? But you've finally made it," Oliver whispered into his counterpart's ear and stroke his fingers through the crimson red hair. It felt like an eternity to him the last time he got to touch it. Fukase's warm skin, smell, calm breathing; Oliver started to realize how much he actually missed that what he has been deprived of for months already.

In order to not cause too much trouble to the rest of the passengers, Oliver decided to lead Fukase out of the aisle. He enthusiastically took Fukase's suitcase and hand to pull both forward the exit. There was still a long car ride both had to face. Oliver didn't mind it too much though, now that his partner arrived safe and sound.

Fukase, whatsoever, didn't fully agree with that. He rather followed Oliver slowly. His head was hanging. The thought of the car drive made him shudder and he sighed frustrated. He didn't say anything though, he didn't have the strength to. The redhead knew he could trust Oliver anyway.

Arriving at the car, Oliver stored everything needed away and both got into the car. The blond didn't start the engine yet though as he noticed what was off with Fukase. With a reassuring smile, he stroke along the other one's back and leaned his head on Fukase's shoulder

"You must be very tired. Didn't you manage to sleep on the plane?"

Fukase rubbed his eyes and nodded: "Yeah, I did but that definitely was no refreshing sleep. The term 'morning flight starting at 7am' is self-explanatory."

Oliver nodded understanding and continued to stroke along Fukase's back. This seemed to make the taller one drowsy. That was exactly what Fukase needed now. Sleeping during daytime shouldn't happen, but Oliver thought of this here as a power nap anyway. The blond continued with his action until he heard Fukase sigh heavily once more and lean his head against the window to his side. The blond had to smile and took the chance he had been deprived of for months to take a glance at the familiar facial features he had missed so much. Fukase was here now. "This is going to be a good time", is what Oliver told himself and started the engine.

Once both of them arrived at Oliver's house, Fukase jolted out of his short nap. His eyes continued to only lazily lock with Oliver's, but he still managed to set up a weak smile for the blond. He sure missed his lover, but tiredness took over his body. He rarely felt that controlled by his own body, but he gladly accepted being able to fall asleep any second.

Timezones have always been a struggle for him, but he knew it was only a matter of days until he would be himself again and ready to spend the time he had with the blond with his full consciousness. With this pleasant thought passing through his mind, he placed down his suitcase and sat down on the seat next to him. However, for now, it was time to travel back into his seductive dream world.


"I feel like I go through jet lag without having changed timezones"

I apologize for not having posted anything here for months, but as it can't be too hard to tell, ideas won't come. I just came back home after an exhausting morning flight myself, so I feel Fukase's frustration. Poor boy.

I hope you enjoyed this rather short drabble. 

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