No Need for Jealousy

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Jumping from one streetlight to the next, Fukase's eyes travelled through the scenery. Darkness shallowed one silhouette after another, except the dimmed lit spots along the road. Merely from counting every one of them he could tell where he was; Fukase usually would think it's funny how familiar he was with this road but it only irritated him now.

He sighed and looked back down on his hands. They rested on his lap, but he couldn't stop fidgeting with his fingers. Too much was going through his head to really focus.

"You've been awfully quiet."

Fukase grunted and looked out the window again. A city-limit sign flashed his eyes from the headlights. It wasn't long until he could leave the car at this point. He was praying for every further second to pass by in silence, however, the driver right next to him casted a confused look and huffed.

"Did something happen?"

Fukase hoped to find a way to calm down all on his own, without having to see his lover right now, but he could barely hold his tongue when confronted like this. Every word was a provocation at this point, and the redhead wasn't up for gulping down his anger.

"Oh, nothing," Fukase grumbled and rolled his eyes. He leaned his elbow on the door and rested his head against his hand. The cold glass on his skin felt both somewhat reassuring and upsetting. "Just that I find you flirting with other people."

"Huh?" Oliver faltered at the sudden confession and barely missed to turn on the junction. He needed a few seconds to orientate himself in the dark again. In the meantime, his thoughts jumped back to what Fukase was talking about. "Oh, you mean the thing with Rin?"

Oliver checked on his lover again but still found him huddling against the window, counting the last few meters of the road to his house. He didn't receive a response. Reaching out to the redhead, Oliver nudged Fukase's thigh in an attempt to cheer him up. The blond pouted to find his lover to be evading his touch as much as possible.

"Oh, c'mon, baby. You know that we were not flirting."

"You're right, it's not; more like cheating right in front of my eyes," Fukase snapped and pushed Oliver's hand off himself. He watched Oliver turn into the parking lot, waiting to get out of the car eventually. While unfastening his seatbelt, he grabbed the few things he took with him.

Despite the sudden rush, Oliver didn't let himself get upset as well and instead focused to shut down his car properly. He wasn't very surprised to find his lover waiting for him to get out of the car as well regardless. A small smile crept up his face as he found Fukase to be averting his gaze with a small pout.

"We've been like this from the very start. You know that very well."

Fukase huffed, still unfazed by any sort of explanation. Another grunt escaped his throat as Oliver tried to pull him into an embrace. Only with difficulty, Fukase managed to keep up his grumpiness and peel himself off his lover's arms. He marched off to his house, leaving the blond behind, however, he caught up fairly quickly.

"We're just friends, really."

"Friends don't kiss each other and say how much they love you though," Fukase mumbled more to himself than to any other, but Oliver heard anyway. He pulled on Fukase's arm to make him stop and look at him again. Fukase did so only reluctantly, still upset with the incident he witnessed a few hours ago.

"A kiss on the cheek – what a big deal indeed," Oliver scoffed and grinned, "proves you're really not European."

Fukase's eyes pierced daggers through the blond who just chuckled in response. Grasping for the redhead's hands, Oliver hoped to get him chimed in. He didn't quite see the issue, but Fukase would continue to be upset no matter what. Oliver quickly calmed down from his laughing fit again and pressed his lover's hands lightly, getting the attention back on himself.

"Jokes aside, this meant nothing – neither for me nor for her. We love each other as friends. We've been there for each other for a decade. What do you expect?"

"Respect both from you and from her; you're taken." Fukase bit his lip, forced to hold back any more emotions from dwelling up at this point. There was so much more he wanted to say but the lump in his throat blocked his voice. Just standing there, staring at each other, Oliver's heart weakened.

"Are you that jealous? Baby, come here."

Oliver sighed and pulled Fukase closer; he didn't protest as much this time. While running his hand through the crimson-red hair, he placed soft kisses all over Fukase's head and neck. Oliver didn't get any reaction, but that was better than resistance to him.

"I love you and only you. I'm all yours."

He lifted Fukase's face up to kiss him once more. Albeit reluctant, Fukase retorted the kiss eventually and wrapped his arms around the blond. Their reconciliation lasted not for too long, however, as Oliver pushed Fukase forward a little too much, making him trip over the first step to the front door. Fukase dropped down with a grunt, unintentionally pulling his lover with him. Oliver chuckled at the sudden fall but didn't receive the same kind of reaction from his lover.

"Eyes on the street, jeez," Fukase complained and sat down on the stairs properly. Oliver took a seat next to him. There was a moment of silence and Fukase lowered his head.

"Are you sure?"

Oliver rose an eyebrow, hoping to get an explanation. Fukase weakly reached for the blond's fingers, pressing them lightly one after another. While chewing on his lower lip, he hoped to find both the right words and courage to find some sort of confirmation.

"That you love me and only me?" Fukase muttered eventually, his eyes still fixed on the first step of the stairs. Fukase felt a tug on his side and looked up to find the blond hugging him tightly once again, rubbing his face against the redhead's cheek.

"Fuka, dear, why so insecure? Yes, I'm very sure."

Fukase smiled weakly and answered the gesture by leaning his head on top of Oliver's. They rested like that for a while, but the cold of the stairs chased them back on their feet soon enough.

"Let's go and warm up, huh?" Oliver suggested eventually and checked the time on his phone. Fukase grinned.

"Sure, as long as you don't go and kiss my parents now as well," he teased and pulled the blond forward who just groaned in protest.

"I get to hear that for a while now, won't I?"

Fukase shrugged his shoulders with a sly grin and searched for the keys to have the two of them get inside and warm up after their freezing way back home.

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