Chapter 1

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I gasp for breath, finally slowing to walk after a five mile run. I had only meant to run two but got carried away. My rib cage aches something fierce and every breath causes a new ping of pain in my side. I check the caller I.D as my phone vibrates before answering. "Hey Rick I know I've been gone longer than what I said I was going to be. I just got caught up in the moment. I'll be there soon."

"That's quit alright Amy. Martha and I were just wanting to make sure your alright. Try to get home soon. The neighborhood may be safer than most but still, its dark." With that he hangs up.

I remember the first time he called and hung up without a bye, I thought he was being rude, but over the past six months I realized that he just doesn't say bye. It was the beginning of many problems when staying with the Martin's.

Its not like I don't like the old man or his wife, in fact I wouldn't mind living with them forever, but I don't know if i'm settled in just yet. Its hard being moved from foster home to foster home every year, so I don't know if I can trust settling in and actually staying for good.

My mom died when I was eight from breast cancer and my dad died two years later. After that I was put into foster care with my older sister. At ten we were split up without an explanation. She was sent to Tennessee and I was sent to the worst fosters ever. The male was abusive and the female was on more drugs than I can list in a day.  I was out of there in six month and have been in four different foster homes all together in the last 8 years.

I have lived with Martha and Rick for six months and they have asked me to stay for good, I think. The longer I stay the more comfortable I get not only in the house but around them and other adults. Maybe now that they're getting to know me they may find that I'm not fit to be in their home, but I can hope that they'll still like me.

It had become a habit of mine to not participate in the family so they wouldn't ask me question's, but Martha and Rick are a bit different. They like to know where I am at all times though they never try to restrict me from doing what I want. I haven't told them much about anything in my life, but I am considering telling them about how I have been secretly running my dad's company with my sister's help. Of course I would never mention any of my extracurricular activities.

No one knows that I do illegal racing except my sister, who does it with me, and my best friend, Jacob. when I found my sister, a year and a half ago, we both agreed to open a garage for our babies and further our training in the streets.  When we combined the money we had enough.

Alana, my sister, lives on her own which helps considering there are not many people in the world that can handle her explosive attitude. She graduated last year, and I go to a different school for what i'm zoned for to make things easier on myself.

I like to live a little ways away from everyone so people don't know about my life. People  at school think I'm a goody two shoes. People in this neighborhood know me as the orphan girl with no family, and that fine.  At our garage the guys know about pretty much everything there is to know about us. They know everything from our daily work schedules to our favorite and not so favorite foods.  

They are the mechanics and all of them use to work for my dad. They offered to adopt both my sister and I once, but we declined. In the beginning I regretted that, but now living with Martha and Rick I think things are going to be just fine.

The guys take care of everything business when it comes to face to face meetings, but everyone in street racing knows I own it. Of course they never know my name or even what I look like. 

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