Chapter 11 Aiden's pov

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She moans out my name as I kiss up her body and take off her incredibly sexy tank top. My phone buzzes in my pocket signaling I have a text but I ignore it. Shauna tries running her hands threw my hair, but I pull her hands back down to my chest. Keeping her from ever touching my perfect hair.  Her hands glide down past my abs and to the button of my pants just as my phone starts buzzing again. This time its a call, and no one calls me unless they really need to talk to me , so I  have to  answer.

Sighing I kiss her neck and get up. "Sorry babe it'll just take a second." She pouts but says nothing. Walking out of the room I check the caller ID and see its Tyson. "This better be good." I snap.

"I was wondering if you were going to the race or not."

"What race?" I ask confused. I haven't got any text about a race.  

"Its scheduled for tonight in two hours. Takes at least forty five minutes to get there. Check your text and be there. I think its a good chance that Hannah will be there tonight. You may be able to pull out a little charm and get to know her better. "

"Why do I want to get to know her?" I ask pacing the length of the hallway for something to do.

"It'll help, okay? You both have cars made by the same company and your both incredibly good. When that happens you have to get into your opponent mind. We've been over this already. "

"Yea, Yea whatever you say. What do you want me to do? You know she doesn't really talk to anyone."

"Try to get her to talk or you may even be able to find out who she is. She has a tattoo on her side. See if you can read it. Then we can ask around the school and see if anyone has it."

"Why would it matter who she is?" I say confused. Some people want to know who's behind the mask, but I don't really see a point. Knowing who she is isn't going to change how she races.

"It doesn't matter, but she seems young and I want to know if she go's to our school so find out for me. While your doing that you can find her weakness. I'll try to video tape the race to see what she has trouble with when driving. "

"Alright if you say so, but I really don't think that its going to help anything." With that I hang up and go back into my room. The girl is still there as I walk over to my closet and throw on some blue jeans a black shirt and my racing jacket. "Sorry babe, but I got to go."

She looks at me before throwing on her shirt and stomping out of the room. Hopping into the car I start coming up with a plan. Usually if someone talks to her she just walks away, so I first need her by her car where I can corner her. Then I have to come up with a reason for her to talk. I'll need her to think that its something important.

As I pull into the place I feel like laughing at my craziness. I have no clue why i'm doing this, but if Ty says it I do it. Who said I was batman and Ty was robin was gravely mistaken.  As I park I thank the lord for my luck since Hannah is leaned up against her car as I park next to her. When getting out she start to put on her black leather jacket, that match her sexy pant which hug her curves perfectly.

I walk toward her with no idea what to say, so I start looking around and notice a few girls and guys from school. One of them is believed to have drugged Justin and that's when an Idea pops into my head. I just hope she isn't a cold hearted bitch. I stop right next to her and she barely glances at me before trying to walk to her door.

I grab her arm and work up my acting skills.  "Hey, I know we don't know each other or anything but I was wondering if you could do me a quick favor. It will only take a sec and I will be in your debt." She doesn't move at all and just keeps looking at me so I take that as a good sign.

 "Alright since you haven't left I'm taking that as a yes. I need you to pretend that we came here together. I have this crazy chick after me and um yea." Sighing in relief when she leans gently against my car smirk since phase one is completed, now to come up with phase two.

The air blows and she shivers slightly. The air has got to feel good with all the leather she's wearing. Even if her stomach is bare, her arm and legs aren't, so it cant be comfortable. Thinking that makes me wonder why she would put on her jacket. She doesn't usually have a problem with it off and didn't till I got here. Its like she's hiding something. I blow the idea off and look around. She's going to start to wonder where the girl is soon so I decide to help her out.

"So I thought she was right around the corner but I guess not. Will you please stay till the race starts?" I try to see threw the dark visor but she turns her head away. I don't know why she doesn't want people to know what she looks like. I know that some people think that it could be dangerous because people may turn you in or that the cartel will hunt you down if you street race but that's not actually true. There no reason to hide here.

"Is that a yes?" I ask softly not wanting to scare her. She hasn't said a word, and its about to get awkward. When she moves closer I have my answer but she still hasn't said anything and I'm not one to push for answers if you don't want to tell.  Though I honestly am starting to wonder if she is a mute.

"The next fifteen minutes are going to be really boring and awkward if you don't say anything. At least tell me your name. " She shrugs I want to sigh in anger. I know her name. we've been racing against each other for about a year now, but I don't like silence I find it weird and constraining.

Hannah lie back on the car gazing at the stars. Her jacket falls raises and I glance down to see her tattoo and shockingly stitches running up to it. The stitches are so like the ones I personally gave Amy that it throws me back to that night. The fear and admiration for Amy as she took down that dude and the panic that radiated off of her when she found Jacob.  "Hey what's that?" I ask hoping she would tell me where she got it. "Why do you have stitches on you side?"

Just then people start cheering and she scurries away. I try not to think about it as I get into my car and get ready for the race. This is like a trial run for me and her. Its most likely the last race we have before we face each other for the big money. I have to win that race. Not only for the money but because it'll be the last race of my carrier. I want to go out with a boom if i'm going to leave. If I want to win that race I need to make her nervous. I need to win this one so she starts thinking there is a chance she may lose.

When the flag is dropped tires squeal and we all speed off. She's already a little ahead of me and the first turn is coming up. The roads are deserted out here in the country which I'm grateful for. I never feel comfortable when people are around because they could get hurt. One guy runs off the rode but Hannah turn effortlessly and keeps going. As I get to the turn I try to keep it as tight as possible and I come up right beside her. Looking over I see her glance at me before focusing on the rode. I turn to see the rode split and we both have to go right. The roads only two lanes and if there's other cars one of us will have to back down. We both press on the exhilarate and I get ahead just a little bit. I keep that distance for a few minutes and threw a few turns. As we come up to another turn she leaves my peripheral vision and I speed ahead. When I turn its not as tight as normal but I don't worry till I look over to see her on the other side of me.

We are neck and neck but neither of seems to be gaining. The finish line is just ahead and people move out of the way as they see us. Pressing harder on the accelerate I shift to the fifth gear.  As we pass over the line I feel like hitting the steering wheel. It was a tie. I could've just gone a little bit faster, but on the good side I didn't lose. We both slow to a stop and people swarm. She just sits in her car as I get out and I have to knock on her window for her to notice me.

When she roles it down I stick out my hand and she shakes. As I step back she roles up her window and drives off headed who knows where.

I stay at the race for a little over an hour talking with Tyson and some of my other friends. I told Tyson that I couldn't figure out anything and that I couldn't even see the tattoo. I don't know why, but I just want to forget I ever saw those stitches or the tattoo. The feeling in the back of my mind wont stop nagging till I figure it out though.

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