Chapter 5 part 1

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I wake up groggily to someone hitting me with a pillow. "Finally dude. Took you long enough. Sorry to wake you up from you dream, but your dads here. "

"What dream?"

"I don't know, but you were moaning and breathing pretty hard. Maybe it's time for you to get laid."

"Shut up dude." He laughs plopping down in his chair, pressing start on his game controller.

I groan flinging my body back onto the inviting bed as I realize my dad's here to take me away. Why does he have to be here so early in the morning? I get up not wanting to make him madder then he already is by making him wait on me. I don't see him as I walk down stairs, so I walk outside to see his car in the driveway.

I glare at the dark tinted drivers side window that reflects the sun. I  slam the passenger door shut a little to harshly, but my dad doesn't bother getting onto me for it.  Instead he hands me a bag full of fruits and breads. I can't deny that he knows me as I dig into the hearty food. I can deny that he understands me.

 "You know, your stubbornness reminds me of your mom," he says out of the blue while I was eating grapes. His openness about mom surprises me. He hasn't spoken to me about her since her death, and since I don't want to ruin the moment I stay quiet until he continues.

"When we first met I couldn't stand her because she refused to listen to anyone. She went her own way and did her own thing whether other people agreed to it or not.  She never let you get a word in without her two cents and I hated it. What I realized later on is that it is what drew me to her. Your mother was nothing without her stubbornness, and that same stubbornness shows in you. "

"Is that good or bad, dad?"

"Well son, that's the thing that I have yet to figure out. It can be one big pain in the A** but it is a good thing for the most part. I know that you lost your mother from death and I lost my wife, but I realized something. I didn't just lose her I lost my son as well, and I am going to change that. So after school we are going out and we can do whatever you want, but I got a surprise for you. "

"Thanks dad that would be great, but I kind of need to practice for a race that coming up in two days. I have to beat this girl. "

"You cant beat a girl son. Its not possible. Even if you think you won you ultimately will lose in the end."

"I meant at the race dad."

"Still counts. If you beat the girl then she may just hate you, then you wont ever be able to get her. "

"I don't want to date her dad. She's the only thing keeping me from my championship belt."

"That's boxing, and where is this race?" oh snap. What do I do. If he knew I was racing illegally then he would take away my baby. Think Wolf think. "Its illegal street racing isn't it?" he sighs out.

"Umm, Possibly."

"In that case, there is no way your beating that girl. She incredible plus her car has the dosh symbol on it. She had it designed for herself."

"No I have to beat her."

"We'll talk about it after you go to school." He says gesturing out my window to the long building in front of us. I get out knowing I can't be late to school. I'm glad he didn't blow up, and maybe we can finally go back to the way we were so long ago, but I try not to get my hopes up.

I walk down the main hall where the buzz of student gossip is the loudest. I look over the heads of the two girls in front of me whom are moving slower than a snail. Thankfully though I see goody walking past me and quickly pull her by her arm into an empty classroom.  She pulls against my hold bumping into a couple freshman.

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