Chapter 16

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I wake with a yawn and for once smile over at my alarm clock instead of throwing it across the room. Today is going to be so much fun and Aiden deserves every bit of the torture that i'm planning. I get up and take a quick shower and lotion my arms and smooth legs before looking through my closet for the perfect out fit that will not only make Aiden jealous but crazy with lust. I take a chance wearing an outfit that's usual reserved for racing because it shows alot of skin that no body at school ever sees. Next I blow dry my hair and straiten a few strands that are slightly wavier.

Now onto the tricky part, make up. Just as I began to as the foundation I hear a knock on my bedroom door before Krystal comes storming into my room with a giant pink box. As I look at it in horror she start opening it and taking out different powders and creams. "Is all of that make up?" I ask sitting on the bed being careful not to jar any of her things. She looks at me with a duh expression and goes back to digging.

After a couple more minutes she looks like she has everything that she needs out. Before I can protest she pulls me up and over to a stool that she most likely brought from down stairs. She starts at my neck making sure to cover the hickey then goes to my face. She adds black eyeliner and a pale eye shadow. I don't protest to much till she pulls out some lip gloss and red lipstick. I stand up backing away from her slowly with my hands suspended in front of me so I can shield my face from her. Saying nothing she pushes me back down and continues as if nothing happened. "Will you just shut up and let me work my magic. Its only for a day. Deal with it. You look amazing and you don't look anything like a slut I promise." She growls then motions me to pop my lips. She packs up quickly before going to the door with a quick wave telling me to put my shoes on so we can get to school for the first bell.

Throwing on my standard tennis shoes I run out the door grabbing my bag but as I pass the full length mirror in the hallway I notice the shoes don't go well with the skinny's and groan trudging back to my room and throwing on my black stylish combat boots instead.

As I hop into the car Krystal glares at me. "Your lucky you noticed your mistake before I told you about it. I would've happily slapped you across the face. " I laugh at her and drive to school listening to all of Krystal's ideas on how to make Aiden mad. She waves good bye saying she has things to do before class and wishing me good luck.

 I take a deep long breath gathering my courage and Witt's to go threw the day. My phone dings signalling a text and I look to find its from Aiden wondering where I am. Instead of responding I walk over to the nearby tree and hug Aiden from behind. The guys stay quiet starring at my new appearance. Aiden smiles leaning back for a kiss but I just peck his cheek sitting down next to him. He frowns looking over where his eyes widen. He looks me up and down and I have to fight the blush that threatens to make an appearance on my cheeks. I turn to the rest of the guys who have each stayed silent throughout  our small exchange. I smile at there reactions turning to ask Jared about our cultures homework.

Jared responds listing off different numbers in the workbook before getting drawn into a conversation with Tyson about a new video game coming out. Aiden's shock over my new appearance has started to wear, and he starts to add in his own opionon on the game. I sit not really listening to there conversation.

Alley, a girl from the soccer team, sits down next to me. She smiles and starts talking about random things. I assume its just to vent to someone, and tune her out for the most part. Don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl and in another life we probably would have been close friends, but her gossiping really annoys me. I smile and nod in all the right places, but my thought are trained on Aiden reaction as I rest my hand on his knee which isn't uncommon when his arm is around my waist as it is now. He squeezes lightly telling me he still knows that I'm there even when fully absorbed in the guys conversation.

I smile at that, leaving my hand where it is for another minute before I move up. He doesn't notice till I brush against his zipper. He jumps looking at me shocked, but I don't react instead resting my hand back on his knee. For the next thirty minutes that's all I do. I'll lean over to kiss his neck or whisper something in his ear.

The bell goes off and Aiden jumps causing me to laugh as I stand up and go to class with Jared laughing as he follows me to first period. I get many whistles as I walk down the hall and smile winking at a freshmen, which if Aiden were here would've been very bad idea. I'm sure Jared will tell him though so oh well.

The next three period are a complete and utter bore as the teachers drown on and on about things we will never use in our life. By lunch Mr. Ben has given up trying to tell us about an Indian empire. I may have been interested if it weren't for my stomach which felt as if it was trying to eat itself.

I'm the first out of the classroom and speed walk down to the cafeteria. Aiden comes up next to me quickly slipping his fingers threw mine. I smile over at him and get in line to get the food. Plopping my tray down on the wooden table I quickly get to work on piling everything onto my burger. Jacobs face scrunches up as I mix my mash potatoes and corn together, so I throw a kernel at him. He starts to throw something back but Anastasia, Jacob's latest fling, takes a seat next to him. She tugs at his arm and puffs out her chest in an obvious demand for attention. I roll my eyes at her and turn back to Aiden cursing myself since I'm basically about to do the exact same thing.

I hug his arms like a teddy bear. He looks over slightly confused but goes back to talking. I lay my head on his shoulder tilt my head so my lips are centimeter from his neck. He stiffens slightly, and I smile closing my eyes for a nap. 

Aiden chuckles when I scrunch up my nose as he tickles me. I don't bother to open my eyes until the bell rings for next class, and even then I don't bother to go to class. Instead I pull Aiden to his car.

"Are you for real?" He ask. I shake my head yes. Digging in his pocket for the key I quickly get in the car. He does the same backing out and heading toward his house. "So is there a reason you wanted to skip so badly today my little goody?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, but don't answer his question with more than a shrug.

 Not edited, and sorry if its a crappy chapter. I wasn't really in the mood to write this and i'm sure it shows.

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