Chapter 8

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Amy's pov

My head throbs as I push threw the throng of people trying to find an exit out of this hell hole. I cant believe that son of bat actually spent an hour talking me into to coming to this dang party and promising not to leave me alone then as soon as we walk in the door he's gone and I haven't seen him since. If your wondering who the douche is, it's Jacob. 

Earlier today

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head. Time to get up already." I grumble and roll over. Jacob has been trying to wake me up for the past twenty minutes and he's still trying to be nice about it. Usually I would've gotten up right now but I am seriously tired. "Come on Amy please get up its half past noon."

I moan in annoyance but sit up slowly throwing the cover off as I go. "Finally!" Jacob shouts throwing his hands up into the air. I glare at him as I stand and stretch, heading to the kitchen for my oatmeal, protein and toast.  "I don't see how you eat that stuff."

"I have to if I want to stay in shape for boxing. You know that." I try to eat healthy for boxing. I want to be in shape and don't want to be slowed down by any type of indigestion or extra weight. My speed contributes a lot to me winning. Guys naturally have a stronger upper body, so I have to be able to dodge there attacks. I also have to know exactly were to hit to make it hurt the most because I cant hit as hard as they can.

Jacob grabs a bowl of cereal before sitting beside me stuffing his face and refusing to look at me. "What do you want me to do?" I ask already knowing I won't like whatever it is.

"Gotothepartyatkirstel'swithme," He says in a jumble of words. I don't believe I heard him correctly.

"Did you just ask me to go to a party at that sluts house?" He shakes his head sheepishly and then flinches when I grab for some toast like he thought I was going to hit him instead.  Which I may have done if I wasn't sore from all the practicing I had done the night before. I wasn't able to sleep so instead I had gone done to the basement where Mark keeps a punching bag. I had hit it for a hour also doing pushup and jumping jacks, so my arms were pretty sore.

I get up and wash the dishes before heading to the living room to watch some reruns of teen wolf. after three, one hour episodes I turn to see Jacob staring at me like a creep. I push his face away and he pushes me off the couch. He laughs as I face plant the floor, but stops when he see' my face. "This. Means. War!"I shout grabbing a pillow off of the couch.

 I attack him with a pillow and he shields himself. After he's sufficiently distracted defending his handsome face, his words not mine. I go in for the kill tickling his sides. His satisfying squels and please to stop mean nothing to me and I continue my torture till Mark walks in. "Are you sure I should be allowing you two to be alone together?"

I roll my eyes and get off of Jacob. He lays there catching his breath. "Yes I'm sure. There is nothing going on between me and Jacob and never will be."

"Its just in all the books I've heard about. The best friend always falls for the other one."

"Well that wont happen to us and I broke it to Amy a long time ago that she will never get a chance at this." Jacob says gesturing toward his body and his six pack. I swear why do all the boys in my life have such big ego's I think heading up to my room. Jacob and Mark talk for another five minutes or so before Jacob comes up to my room and flops on my bed making me bounce slightly. "Please go to the party, one of my ex's will be there and I need to have an escape."

"No. I hate parties especially when I go with you. When I'm with you I get glares from all the girls and guys suddenly see me as a game. Its annoying, and its even more annoying when you leave me alone and I have to fend myself off from all the creeps there. You remember last time right. I was almost drugged. There is no way in heck I am going. "

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