chapter 17

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Amy's pov

I swallow tightly trying to wet my dried throat. All that's running threw my head right now is why didn't I drop out? Why didn't I drop out? I'm sitting on a bench right now in the back of building listening to people screaming at each other and at the fighters to get up. Aiden's match is up next, and I don't know what to do. I'll be going up against him and i'm not afraid of losing. I'm afraid to let him know who I am. I can forfeit now but eveveryone has already made their bets. Their expecting a fight. A fight that I cant promise that I can give. Why would put me up against a guy anyway? For christ sakes he's twice my weight.

"Hey Alana?" I ask as she it putting on a shirt over her rapped torso keeping her boobs as flat as possible. Though its not much. Let's just say that I have no idea how anyone would ever think she's a guy I mean she should have back problems with how big those things are.

 She hm's and glances at me threw the reflection in the mirror. "Why did they pair me with a guy?" I ask looking around trying to keep from jumping at every little sound. Alana turns to look at me incredulously as if I'm crazy.

"Your forgetting that you act as if you were a guy, aren't you?" I gulp, nod and shake my hands. Yep its official I wont make it threw this. It was stupid to think I would fight tonight. I cant even remember my name let alone anything else.

Alana pulls me up off the bench rapping my hair. She then slips the cloth over my fave obscures my vision for a minute before it settles over me and my vision clears. "We're going to forfeit this thing and walk out of here never looking back. It was stupid  start in the first place, but don't think your giving up something by doing this. If anything your gaining something. You get to keep your boyfriend and will no longer have bruises coating you. " She says holding my hand.

A bell rings and I am called to the make shift circle of people. Aiden stands on the opposite side of me glaring daggers. I sigh and look at the announcer as he explains the main event. When he finishes a bell is rung but I don't move for a second. Alana still stands next to me as I stare at Aiden as he comes closer. I'll eventually have to tell him. He will find out. Its better to get it over with now.

I vaguely hear the announcer telling Alana to move and that this is a one on one fight but she just stands there holding my hand. I look at her and she smiles before pulling a chair to the middle of the circle. People gasp and hoot thinking that there with be some excitement and Aiden backs away. 

I call his name not bother to sound motcho at all and he looks around for my voice. I stand directly in from of him on my tip toes and he looks into his eyes. People gasp when I pull him down to my lips and he doesn't hesitate to kiss back which mean one of two thing, he either like guys and is okay with cheating or he knows. When I pull away he grasp my cheek and kisses me roughly before pulling back looking angry.

"Took you long enough," I say quietly though I believe he heard. I stand next to Alana as she pulls off the shirt and short exposing athletic shorts and a sports bra underneath and I do the same. People gasp and stare as we stand there and Alana snickers. "You really shouldn't have done that," she whispers in my ear and I look at her confused before looking behind me. I see nothing except gapingshicked faces. "Look down at you stomach," she says and when I look down I scream and look at Aiden. His anger is quickly replaced by amusement and he smirks. I swing at him and he doges.

"Now, now Amy its only far," I gape at him as he says this and down at the words written across my stomach.

"How is righting 'Property of Aiden 'across my stomach fair?" I ask and peple start to laugh.

"Maybe next time you wont decide to use my body as a sketch pad. "

"At least my drawings were good and made you look pretty. This better come off!" I Yell and people laugh even more. Then I turn to Alana, "You ," i say pointing to her and then at my stomach. "Could you not have warned me about this as some point in time.?"

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