Chapter 12

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I sigh as I watch the clocks red hand slowly click down the minutes of out last day of school for the week. The bell rings and I shoot out of my seat."Ms. Grant can you please stay after along with Mr.wolf." Growning I throw my bag back into my seat and stand in front of her desk. Aiden's a little nicer about it and stands smileing at her. She smiles back before handing us each a paper.

"You both have the highest test scores in the whole school and I want to ask you both to join the math club competition at the end of the year. You meet twice a week after school till five. It'll be on Monday's and Tuesday's usually. "

Looking at her like she's crazy Aiden shakes his head and says, "No thank you ma'am I cant fit this into my schedual right now. I'm sorry, but you should ask someone else. "

After that he turns to gather his things and I say, "Sorry ma'am but I cant. I work those days and am already have trouble getting all my school work done. "

As I turn she says, "What if I told you both it would get you out of school atleast eight dasy next year and is a college credit. It also looks good on applications and scholarships. " We both stop as she says this. I don't really need the scholarship or anything nor do I need it for any type of work application, but it would get me out of school faster, so it cant be to bad. Plus I'm really not all that busy with work. I can just skip some of the races and fights.

"Alright I guess i'll do it, "I say sighing.

Aiden does says the same and we walk out of the classroom together. "So me and the guys are going to see a band down at he areana. Would you and Jacob want to come?"

"Why Aiden are you asking me out on a date?" I ask teasing him.

"You wish princess, but seriously I don't really want to go and I need some entertainment would you mind coming so I don't die of boredom? "

"No I guess not, but Jacob cant come. He has to take his mom to the hospital."

"Oh, Why what happened?" he says with genuine concern.

"Nothing his moms pregnant and they are going in for a check up." After that we talk about nonsense till we part ways to go to our cars. Aiden finally get me to agree to let him pick me up because there will be people from school there and I wouldn't want someone to mess up my car.

When I get home I get a text from an unknown number and open it to see it saying ' wear something pretty ~ A'

I take that to mean its from Aiden. I quickly send him a text. 'How did u get my #'

Hopping in the shower with the music blasting quickly lulls me into a sense of calm. Deciding that this is one of the few nights I actually go out I make it special by actually trying to dress up.  For the top I have a black crop top and a white lace shirt over it to hide my tattoo and stitches.  Next I paint my nails a blood red and straighten a few stray stands of hair. After that I put on some stylish combat boots and play games on my phone till seven.

'I'm on my way. Make sure u can walk in your shoes.'

I don't bother with a reply and head down stairs to get a glass of water. I see him pull up into the drive way in his car and run to get my purse. Rick answers the door and when I come down stairs he and Aiden are talking. When Aiden see's me he stops talking mid sentence and stare for a second. It makes me a little self conscious because all I can think about are the fact that shorts are a little to short. I'm not really comfortable with showing a lot of skin and with him staring it makes me think that I'm a slut.

"Ready to go?" He ask opening the front door. I shake my head yes and walk out. The music is to loud for any conversation so we sit in silence for the twenty minute drive. As we pull up and get out we are swarmed by all of Aiden and Tysons friends. They each have a girl on there arm except Jared who has a scrawny but really cute guy on his back. He seems to be asleep and completely ignores the noise.

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