Chapter 14

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Amy's pov

My heartbeats are uneven, pounding out of my chest as he stares, astonished and agonizing over my answer. I knew his knowledge of my secrets, and had wondered if he would ask. Now its out, and I would do anything to take it all back. The look of hurt and confusion on his normally smirking face breaks my heart. He plops down on the couch without a word opening his mouth then closing it again like afish out of water.

I resolve to let him think in peice knowing that when his thoughts settle he'll have questions. Before I can Fully stand he grips my wrist. I flinch not at his grip but at his words as I fall back to the couch. "You have to quiet. "

Thats it. There's no questions or denial just that I have to queit. "What?" I ask shocked. I expected alot of things to come out of his mouth but not this.

"You have to quiet raceing. Its dangerios on the rode and off it. "

"I'm aware of that. I'm not stupid but i've done it for a few years now and I was even there when my dad use to do it. I seriesly doubt anything can happen to me now. I'll be fine and i'm always careful. "

"No Amy your done. No more racing." I start to get mad as he keeps going on telling me that its to dangerous for me. Some part of me is happy he cares so much, but thats over shadowed by the fact that he's trying to tell me what to do.

"Who the hell are you trying to tell me what to do?!"

"Look okay its not safe. I heard that theres this gang that takes out anyone that gets to good. A couple of years ago they took this dude. I forgot his name, but my dad actually knew him. He was kidnapped and tortured for two weeks before he was bured alive. " Staring at him I will myself not to cry. He doesnt know.

"Look Amy if thats not enough to persuade you then maybe you should know that the group also took his two doughter and killed his wife rght infront of them. I Never found out what happened to the girls but it cant be good.  What if that happens to you Amy please just think about it. "

"Nothing happened to the girls. They were hit a few times and touched inappropiatly but their dad alway took he brunt. The only scares thoses girls came out with was the sight of watching the father getting beaten and burned and knowing that they couldv'e saved him from that fire if they had been just a little stronger. " I snap staying utteraly calm before running up to my room. I slam the door and lock it before moving my dresser in front of the door and locking the window.

Tears stramdown my face as I lay in the bed thinking of everything that just happened. I just exposed my whole life in the matter of an hour. I fall asleep still crying hearing banging on the door but ignoring it. Rick and Martha will be gone on vacation for atleast two weeks according to there note from this morning. Something came up with work I suppose. I can stay in here at least till they get back.

I stay in my room for three days. Everyday I wake up to banging and yelling of Alana, Jacob, and Aiden.I ignore them and work on the bright portrait of my wall. By the fourth day I'm done with all the paininting and have read every book in my room. Decideing that my mental break is over I open the door and see Aiden sitting outside the door. His head is leaned back agianst the wall and he has a cover over him and a plate of food beside him.

Tyson comes up the stairs and beckons me over before holding a figure to his lips telling me to be quite. We go down the stairs and I find Alana and Jacob eating some bacon and jelly toest. As I walk in they both jump up and hug me. Jacob hugs me longer before stepping back to looks me over for any sign of harm. There is none and he sits back down after givig me another brief hug. I sit next to him as Alana slides a plate of food on front of me and I dig in. 

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