chapter 9

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Aiden's pov

I gulp down the liquor in my red solo cup not bothering to ask what Tyson put in it. It doesn't taste all that good though and I gag at the bad smell. I hear Jonny ask some girl to go next for a body shot and I look up expecting a girl without a shirt on and shorts that don't bother with cover anything. I don't quite catch her face, but it seemed like Amy. Shaking my head I go back to paying attention to what Tysons saying, but he's gone probably getting laid which is what I should be doing right now. I'm not though because i'm going insane.

I keep thinking I see Amy around like in the movies when people are slowly losing there mind and every face they see is the person they love. Except I don't love Amy. I'm starting to think she really is here and is looking for someone or something.

Shaking my head I head to the dance floor. I don't get a drink like I really want to because I still have to drive home. After another thirty minutes or so I decide to head upstairs where its less crowded. The smell in here is absolutely awful and i'm starting to feel sick to my stomach. There's this little hallway that secluded enough that no one goes there so that's where I head. Turning the corner I see a form pushed up against the wall. They look like a couple about to get lucky so I turn to leave not wanting to see it when the girl slams her head into the guys nose before throwing and incredible punch.

As the guy falls to the floor I hear a clang. Looking down something glistens with what little light there is in the hallway, and I rush forward to help the girl. On closer inspection I see its Amy and am shocked that she can hit like that, but then I remember her hitting me with the pillow and smile. She's supper tense so I try make her smile and get her mind off the pain of whatever the guy did to her. "Who knew goody had an arm. "

When she turns with her hands raised and balled into fist I raise my hands showing her I mean no harm. The I think back to the knife and I guess I could see why. Looking her over I check for any sign of injury and see a rip in her shirt. On closer inspection is looks wet. She doesn't seem to notice which I take as a good sign that it doesn't hurt her too much, but that probably only because of the fear. I don't think I have the time to talk her into letting me help her since she seems to be thinking about making a dash for it or maybe trying to fight me.  Rolling my eyes I drag her to the bathroom.

Once I close the door she looks at the door and the window seeming to debate if she can get out. "Kitten would you stop acting like i'm going to rape you. I just want to make sure your okay, and make sure that cut isn't too bad." She looks at her side confused as if just now realizing it. Maybe he had cut her when she head butted him and she was to scared to feel the pain because as soon as she see's it her face twist into aguish before neutralizing trying to act as if its nothing.

As I take a step forward she takes one back and I sigh mentally cursing her in my head, but I keep my cool. She's scared. I mean she could've been raped for crying out loud. "Amy please. Your bleeding a lot. I just want to help. I'm not that bad of a person." It hurts that she doesn't trust me, but she doesn't really have a reason to. We don't know each other at all. We only just met and all I do is tease her, so yea she probably thinks i'm just going to laugh at her for not being able to take care of herself, but she's wrong. What she did out there was incredible. 

"If you wanted to help then you would've when the creep came up to me." Did she honestly think that I would stand by while someone got threatened and raped.

"I just came up when you head butted him. I didn't see anything else. I saw the blood and I saw him drop the knife that's how I knew you were hurt." Please believe me and just let me help you stubborn girl I chant in my head.

"whatever," she mumble looking at the cut. I guess its the best i'm going to get."I just need some Neosporin and a big band-aid."

"You need more than that." I say going threw the cabinet for a first aid kit. I don't find one but I find everything I need to clean it and stitch it up.

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