Chapter 5 part 2

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"You were suppose to tell me when to stop. "

"Oh," Way to go genus look stupid with your stupid little hand fetish. Everyone laugh and the adult get to talking while me and Kitten sit in awkward silence. "So are you going to ever tell me your name?"

"Nope," she says taking another bite of the mash potatoes with a buttered roll. 

"Come on. What did I do to make you hate me so much?"

"Nothing. I don't hate you, Doesn't mean I should tell you all my secrets though now does it."

" Your name isn't that big of a secret. I'm sure people at school know. I can just ask one of them."

"Everyone knows me as goody, and the people that do know me personally wont tell you."

"Please just your name," I say with puppy dog eyes that no one can resist. I haven't pulled these baby's out in a long time so I hope there still as sad, but cute looking as they were years ago.

"Don't bother saying no to that look. If you do he'll throw a tantrum, " My dad says.

"I would not. " He gives the look before going back to talking to Rick.

"On one condition," She says seriously. Dang her why is her name such a big deal to her?

"What, " I say annoyed. Why am I trying to get her name in the first place? Not like I care. I guess its because she helped me, and our parents are friends. That's got to be it.

"You cant flirt with me and cant tell your friends my name, and you have to keep them away from me. "

"Fine not like I would flirt with you in the first place. "

"Its Amy,"

"Was that so hard?" I ask. She glares at me and turns back to her food. For how small she is you would think she eats a piece of lettuce a day, but she seems to eat more than I can.  "Where did it come from?" I ask referring to her name.

"If you knew that then you would know my life story. " After that we don't talk for the rest of the meal

When our parents get up. Me and Amy start to clear the table, but her parent shoo us to her room. With a warning to her to be nice. We both walk in her bedroom door at the same time and get stuck. This can not be happening. This doesn't happen in real life I think to myself as we shove and argue.

"What happened to lady first you dumb butt?" she scream punching me and even though she can barley move her arms it stings a little. I wonder if she would be able to actually throw a punch, but then quickly dismiss it. This is the goody two shoes we're talking about.

"What the heck I'm the quest here," I reply to her comment.

Finally we are able to break through the door and we both fall. As we go down I grab her and turn taking the brunt of the fall, so her beautiful face doesn't get smashed in by the carpeted floor. We stay there for a minute before I roll over and stand up. She stand up next to me while I look around her room.

"I love what you've done to the place. "

"Shut up will ya. I'm planning on painting tomorrow." Oh, that makes since. There is a layer of plastic over the carpet that I don't remember being there two days ago or yesterday. She must've gotten carpet put in. Its a deep crimson red and I love it. Its seems soft.

The plastic covers everything including dresser and her bed post thought the actual bed isn't covered. Probably because she plans on sleeping in it tonight. "What will you paint it. I heard you wanted to that mural right? What will it be?"

"Not sure yet. The mural will only be on one wall the rest with be painted a midnight blue I think with white head boards. The mural will be bright so that everything doesn't seem dark and gloomy in the room. "

"Sounds cool, but isn't taking a risk to paint something you don't even know yet."

"Not really. You have to start somewhere, and I think it'll be fine. And All the furnisher is being painted white. "

"You have interesting taste."

"I take that as a compliment. Sorry there aren't any chairs in here right now. We can just sit on the bed. "

"Your okay with that?" Most girls that say that would want sex with me.

"Yea its not like we are going to do anything. Even our parents know that."

This girl really does amaze me sometimes, and that's just plain weird since I barely know her. After about fifteen minutes of me talking random stuff to myself, she eventually starts talking back like a normal person. We argue over everything, even about what sign we are for our birth month. I keep the conversation light though and try not to ask to many questions about her life. I know how she feels about that and I just got her talking I don't want to ruin it. After an hour or so we pop in a movie, and lay on her bed. I would've left by now, but our parents got tipsy and just told us to stay over. They have a guest bedroom for my parents and I can either sleep in Amy's bed or on the couch so I talked her into watching a scary movie. I wanted to get her scared so that when she jumps its actually a plea for me to hold her.

"You know this is the oldest trick in the book right?" she ask as I get cozy on the bed. I sit up by the head board while she lays down with her head resting on her hands at the foot of the bed, but that's okay she'll come to me.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"The scary movie. I know your just trying to get me to cuddle up to you."

"And if I am?" I'm not ashamed, plus I don't think I can offend her by that. Though with her its hard to tell.

"It wont work. Scary movies don't scare me. Especially Jason. "

" Its a paranormal movie."

"I put it in dummy I know what it is," I smile at that. She did put it in, but she had left to change into pj's and I had changed it to Paranormal because when we were talking she seemed to be all into that stuff that no one else believed cause it wasn't visible. Regular people don't scare her, but things she cant see and control do. At least that's my theory. I guess i'm about to find out too.

" You dumb butt. When the freak tards did you change it to this stupid movie. It's not even remotely scary if you don't believe in ghost and FYI I don't. " She's annoyed so she must not to watch then she hears a scream and jumps. Oh yea she's defiantly scared of them. I pick her up knowing with her pride she would never move otherwise. After she's laying down like me I change it to a different movie and practically force her to lay next to me. After a  while of arguing she shuts up. After another few minutes she snuggles up next to me.

I smile and see she's asleep. Wow she must've been really tired, but then I look at the clock and notice its almost one in the morning. I turn off the tv with the remote trying to roll away without her noticing me. 

Getting away from Amy is harder because I don't want to leave. It feel nice to have her dainty small but soft arm thrown over my stomach. It actually feels natural  to be with her, and I know i'm crazy. After a minute I realize I wont be going anywhere with the way she holds onto me. Then she flings her leg over my waist and I suck in a breath. I am warring the same shorts I was the first night I spent here and she is only in a par of short shorts and a tank top. I don't blame her its seriously hot in here, but having her bar thigh on me makes me think of things, and I know that when I wake up things would be awkward because of it being morning and all, but me being stupid as always just go to sleep with her rapped around me and being in my arms. Man that sounds so sappy.

 Not edited

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