chapter 7

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I feel something move beside me but pass it off as my imagination trying to wake me up. Then it happens again and this time I hear rustling from the sheets moving and I feel as if someone's weight on top of me. One side of my body is defiantly hotter than the other, and the person moves again. I  grown as something grabs my you know what and then someone screams.

She starts hitting me with what seems to be a pillow while I defends myself with my arms the best I can. "What the hell are you doing?" She yell at me and finally stops.

"I was sleeping before you decided to molest me in my sleep," I yell right back. She sure can hit I think to myself.  I wonder what is would be like to have her fist come in contact with my face like that. 

"Why are you in my bed in the first place?" She cant be for real. The reason i'm here is because she just couldn't let this piece of art go. Though thats not what I said.

"I tried to leave but you wouldn't let me out of your monster grip and couldn't find any giant teddy bears to replase me so I just stayed. Why in the world did you grab my D***?" I Seriously want to know this. I never really thought of her as that type of girl she's always seemed more reserved then that though seeing her in charge could end up being a huge turn on.

"I didn't know it was your thing. I was asleep and it was poking me. Oh gosh please tell i'm not going to get some disease or something on my hand. "she yells. Why would she get a disease I think to myself. It takes a full minute to realize what she meant. I'm not that stupid, okay? I may be a player but I know how to protect myself.

"I don't have any STD's," I say dryly, getting up and walking out the door. I head to the kitchen for some much needed coffee and find my parents sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee that my mom hands me, already sweetened with my creamer. I kiss her on the cheek before Amy walks in fuming mad.

"You have one minute, "She say pulling out her phone. They obviously heard Amy and I arguing and were trying to keep from laughing though failing miserably. After about five minutes they calm down and get off the floor. Literally my mom fell on the floor laughing. "Amy's right Aiden," my dad, George says, "we probably do need to get you tested to be on the safe side." Who's side is he on? I don't have any creepy Sexual diseases.

We leave shortly after that and I take my bike heading off to a little diner that not many people know about. I walk in to find my coach from boxing along with another couple of dudes from the gym. I take a seat with them and order pancakes. Couch glares at me as I top them with butter, jam, and syrup. "What," I say with a little bit of snap.

"Have you been preparing for your match at all. Its in two weeks and defines your whole carrier. "

"I've been keeping shape if that's what your trying to ask." he glares but says nothing more. After a good five minutes of silence John speaks up. He's another couch that helps one of my budies. They don't really couch. Basically what they do is build up our ego's or trash them as they see fit to be needed. They also get the crowd hyped up and take the bets.

"I heard that you have a race coming up." I glare at him. Couch would hate to find out that I raced. He would hate to know that my mind wasn't focused on boxing.

"Don't be ridicules john. Aiden here would never be in such a sissy game anyway. I mean the champions a girls, and it isn't exactly hard to drive down a highway. "

"Doesn't boxing have girls as champions too." I ask slightly annoyed by his comment.

"Now you listen here and you listen close," he start, and I grown. I should've known not to get him started. " Those two are men. They are not girls. Girls are weak and would never be able to hold there own. They should've never been aloud out in the world in the first place. They should be good little servents attending to there mans needs and that is it. If a man allows a women to rule the house then he is not fit to be called a man. "

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