Chapter 11 (Part 1)

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I smile as Alana falls to the ground clutching her stomach breathing slowly so as not to hurt it more. We've been practicing for about thirty minutes now. Each of us getting a few hits in, but this last one that she received was perfectly placed and timed if I do say so my self. When we spare together its usually a hard win since we've fought with and against each other so long we now know the way the other moves. When she knows that i'm going to faint right then left before going in for the kill its easy to block me so you have to think outside the box in order to win. That's why its a good practice because some people may study you during fights if they know they are going to face you. Though we don't usually have a planned schedule of who faces who there is rare occasion that they schedule a fight to bring in more people which is what there doing in less than two weeks.

The fight between Aiden and I is believed to be the fight of the century since we are both undefeated. The closer the fight gets and the closer I get to Aiden the more worried I am about the fight. He knows to much and may be able to uncover my identity. If that happens then I wonder if they would still allow the fights. They probably would but even if they do my life could be at risk. Its one thing to lose to another dude. Its another thing to lose to a girl. Most people that fight around here are good people looking for a thrill that they cant find in a regular ring because of the rules, but some of them are the mean savage people everyone associates with underground boxing. They wont like the fact that I beat them and they will find a way to come after me. The idea scares me, and I have more than once woken from nightmares of torture from some of my opponents though that could be my fear of what happened to my dad. Also if Aiden finds out who I am my school reputation would be over, foster care would put me in juvie, and Aiden would hate me. Why I care what he thinks is still beyond me, but I have come to accept the fact.

I gasp for air as I get thrown to the ground immediate followed by a hit to the jaw. Lucky for me Alana takes it easy only lightly tapping my jaw with her knuckles. "What wrong?" she ask getting up from where she held the colar of my shirt and pinning me to the mat. "I stood in front of you wide open. You should've taken a shot at me, and you didn't even move as I moved toward you. "

"Sorry I was thinking about what would happen if Aiden finds out who I am."

"As a boxer, racer, or a person?"

"Well as a boxer till you said that. What do you mean as a person?"

"Well from what you've told me he seems to think your a goody two shoes that doesn't talk. "

"Okay?" I say drawling out the A.

"Nevermind," She mutter. "I have to go get some work done and am hanging out with Ken tonight. You wanna come?"

"No I'm good but give Ken a kiss for me will you?" She laughs and walks away. Kens been her best friend for a while now. His real name is Kenneth but Alana calls him Ken since he used to love Barbie's. He the equivalent of Jacob to me, so he knows everything about her and is always there to protect and help her. Me and Ken have this weird thing that we do every time we see each other we give each other a peck on the lips because Alana thought him and I were dating at one point and it drives her insane.

 Looking at the clock on the wall I realize that I have fifteen minutes to curfew. Usually Rick and Martha are very lenient when it comes to freedom. They don't pry into my life as long as I show my face, don't get in trouble, do my chores, be part of the family, and am home by ten on school nights. The drive from Bosh to home usually takes twenty minutes, but almost no cars are out tonight so I speed home getting there with four minutes to spare.

"Right on time kiddo," Mark says looking up from watching tv. Looking concerned he continues, "Why don't you head to bed you've got circles under your eyes. "

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