Chapter 4

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This boy make me mad. First he has to call me a goody two shoes, then he has to wake me up from my peaceful sleep. Why? Why cant he just leave me hear to dream of dream land. I want Shark boy to come hold me. Wow, I must be really out of it. What ever, he's still trying to get me up. I feel my self being lifted and then cold tile being pressed against my skin along with the sound of water. I get splashed and am fully awake now, but don't let him know it. I decide to scream random crap to see what he would do. All he does is stop for a minute looking confused. How I know he looks confused, well I don't know for sure, but I can imagine.

I decide to finally wake up and look at him. I'm still mad even if I feel like smiling. After throwing a little bit of sarcasm I hop in the shower, after he leaves of course. After I get out I realize there is only a towel. Dang him. He drags me in here and doesn't give me clothes. I mean I'm flattered he wants to see me in nothing but a towel, but god this is going to be so weird. One thing I cant do is act all shy. The more confident I am the more he'll be intimidated and then he'll leave me alone.

With that settled I walk out in nothing but a towel and over to my dresser. I see him staring and cut any idea's he has in his little pea size brain in the bud. After that he leaves to wait for me, and even though I don't like him I don't want him standing out in the cold. He's already pissed about not being able to get his bike, and I wouldn't blame him. His bike is absolutely amazing. Its a Kawasaki ninja. I want it so bad, but I guess I'll just have to live with out it for now I think sighing to myself.

Martha and Rick think I only have two cars, and they never ask where I got the money for either which I'm gratefull for. In truth I could probably have any car I wanted since I could just build it, but I don't want to throw my money around. I get what I need for racing and that's it. I have my two other cars which is my 1970 Buick GSX that's yellow with black racing stripes and my 1969 Chevrolet Camaro z 28. Nobody at school knows about it because I hide it at the back of the school in a garage that I have set up. Its completely hidden from wondering eyes, and since I'm a nobody I don't have anyone following me around.  After dropping Aiden off at the corner of the school I park before heading to my usual spot. The slut of the school is there and I really don't feel like getting near her, so I go to the courtyard that's always empty during lunch. I surprised to find student here in the morning but ignore them and sit under the tree. checking my phone I realize that Justin isn't coming into school today since he's sick. I send him a get well message, but am silently cursing him for leaving me alone at here with these maniacs.

Someone sits next to me and I don't bother looking up."Hey sweetheart," he says "Why don't you come sit with us at lunch." I look up shocked to find Tyson sitting next to me smirking.

"Why would I do that," I say venom lacing my words. They all looked shocked except for Aiden who seems to be smiling at some victory. I curse myself and my stupid mouth. Crap what to do. I have to play this off. I am the shy goody two shoes of the school that only speaks when the teacher calls on her. So I start act nervous as though i'm about to get the shit knocked out of me. I beg Aiden to help me out with my eyes, but he doesn't look at me and keeps talking to himself. What a strange boy.

After cursing myself for sounding weak, but smiling inwardly for convincing them of my innocents they go to say something, but are interrupted by Aidens maniacal laughter. Wtf is he doing. We all look at him and he stops with the look on his face of a puppy dog. While the guys are distracted I sneak away before they end up making me mad and I explode revealing my secret. The less they know about me the better.

The bell rings and I head to class. Aiden walks in shortly after not even pretending to pay attention, and goes straight to sleep. I don't know how he isn't still in like the fifth grade. I have never once seen him do anything in here or any other class I have with him, but that's not my problem.

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