how you met

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You were next to your old village gates and looked at the guards one last time. "I'm off!" You said grinning. The 1st guard looked sadly at you. "Princess. But if you leave..." you sighed. "My parents that so called 'loves me' is forcing me to marry some dude name Naruto!! I'm not gonna waste my time to marry an idiot. Bye." You walked away. Then as you came to a stop, you were in the forest. You started a small fire and then sat down. You then began to shiver a bit but didn't mind. You were free!! Suddenly, you heard the twig snap and quickly got in a fighting stance. "You're alert. Nice. Come join the Akatsuki. We could use someone like you. If you are interested don't be afraid to meet with me here again on Friday at this time." You saw a man around your age, 18. He had piercings all near his nose and orange hair. His eyes were purple of rinengan. He left and dashed away leaving you shocked.


You sat down looking at the water then wiping your eyes. You came from the hidden village in the water, that called you a freak and didn't accept you. You were a water spirit and also a human being. You had water powers that you use without chakra like Gaara with his sand. You heard rustling from near the grounds and stared annoyed. "Listen I don't like peepers so come out now or suffer the consequences." A man with a plant trap over his head stood up. Half of his body was black with a golden eye. The other half was white with a silver eye. "She's snappy! Let's eat her!" "No you idiot! We have to." "Yeah yeah yeah! She does kind of look suitable for joining." "Are you going to ask her or should I?" "You do it you lazy ass!!" "I'm not a lazy as like you!! Now, if you madam would like to join the Akatsuki since you are suitable enough for this job-" "Meet us back here on Friday the same time with your decision got that!!??" "Oh my god you didn't have to shout." "I agree." "Wh-why would you just shut up so we can just leave!" The plant headed guy with a cloak that had red clouds on it sinked into the ground and disappeared. Leaving you with a decision to make.


"Get outta here you freak!!" Shouts your 'loving mom and dad' as they threw your bag of snacks and money you had stashed along with your clothes. "Go find some where else!" Shouts your dad sneering at you. You got up and ran away crying. You stopped walking when you saw a boy with a lollipop mask and a black cloak with red clouds on it. He was...... dancing. "Hi I'm Tobi! Tobi sees you need a place to stay!! If you want... Tobi wants to know if you want to meet here again so I can give you a place to stay! But~ you have to join the Akatsuki or Pein-sama will be very angry. Tobi wants you to meet him on Friday at night. Bye!!" You look at the man and nod walking out the gates of your village thinking about his words.

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