first kiss

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You were just hanging out with Tobi until Pein called you to his office. He kissed your lips hungrily wanting more. You had pulled away catching your breath when Pein leaned in for another kiss. "Nah aw." Pein pouts. "Be gone!" He said pouting. You giggled and kissed Pein's lips once more. "Thank you for the treat Nagato." You got up leaving Pein smirking to himself.


You were in Zetsu's garden yet again sneeking around. You saw a rose and squealed. It was your first time ever seeing a rose. You picked it up. "What a pretty rose you are." You said. Unknown to you, Zetsu was in the ground watching you. "It's so cute! I should pick it, but then Zetsu would be very mad at me. I should leave this alone." The black side of Zetsu wrapped his arm around your waist. "I see you're sneeking around yet again." He said sounding annoyed. Zetsu kissed you. You gasped but then kissed back. You moaned into the kiss but stopped yourself. "No no Zetsu." You said to the dark side of Zetsu. The white side chuckled. You pecked his white cheek. "See. She loves me more." "No me." "No me!" "I was the one who kissed her first!" "Well at least I was the first to call her a nickname." "Zetsu!"


You turned around to go and get a bar of chocolate when your lips smashed into someone else's lips. You were shocked but soon looked into the person's eye. It had mangekyou-sharingan. You look at their face from your side and saw wrinkles then kissed back. When you pulled away, Obito gave you your bar of chocolate. You took it and opened it. Then you ate your treat and kissed Tobi's mask.

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