he hurts you

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Pein had gotten in a fight with the other gods about him turning you into an unstoppable goddess. Right now he sat uneasy looking at the papers and holding his own in his office. You heard about the fight but didn't want to go and cheer Pein up, also, you knew he would possibly hurt you but then again, Konan kept saying, "go to him y/n." You look at Konan and went to Pein's office. "P Pein sama? May I come in?" You asked. You never say Pein sama. "Go away." He said. You turn to Konan. "See, he said go away so I'll just go." You began walking away when Konan pushed you inside of Pein's office. "I said go away!" Pein said filled with pure rage. You squeaked as he rose his hand. "Almighty push!" Pein blew you away and you pitched through 5 walls bleeding. Pein sat back down and began to write.
Meanwhile with you, you stood up and held your left arm. You groaned and looked to see from your elbow to your fingers were nothing at all. All you could have seen was your arm to your elbow. Pein blew off your arm. You saw blood dripping and your other arm wasn't anywhere to be seen. Even your cloak was soaked in blood. Konan ran to your side seeing you stand in pure shock. You walked back to your room still holding your left arm.


Zetsu was arguing with himself again. They said that someone destroyed their garden and the only one that knows about the garden was you, but you weren't anywhere near it. Guess who destroyed it... Tobi. "Y/n!!" Shouts Zetsu. You ran into the garden panting. "Yes Zetsu. You called?" "Honey did you destroy our garden?" "I would never do that." "You did! Cause you're the only one that knows about the garden!!!" Zetsu charged at you. "Now can we eat her!" The white side stood silent. "Good." Zetsu went under ground and grabbed you. He used his fly trap and captured your left arm. "Zetsu!" He closed the fly trap. SPLASH! Your blood splashed on Zetsu's fly trap and on the white side's face. You got up screaming and holding your arm. "I can't believe you!" You ran out pass the other members to your room and slammed the door shut leaving blood trails. Zetsu glared and ate the rest of your arm angrily.


You ran away from Deidara as he chased you and Tobi. "Tobi is sorry Deidara senpei!!!" Deidara got angry. Then he gave up. He said, "Tobi un. Take it yeah! You're annoying un." Deidara gave Tobi his clay toy and walked away. When Deidara was out of sight Tobi took off his mask. He was already mad. "Why does that idiot always yell at me. Can't I have fun. He always says un, how annoying and then yeah. He calls me annoying!! He should check himself." You never saw Obito this angry. He took the clay toy. "Um Obito you okay?" "Does it look like it!" You flinch. "I'm just trying to help." Obito threw away the clay toy and activated his sharingan then started to train. "Obito?" "I said to leave me alone!" Obito touched your arm and squeezed it turning you on your other side with your arm twist and his leg on your back (imagine it as for when Sasuke was in the forest when they were 12 and he broke the boy's arm). You screamed in agony. "Obito! Ah!" Obito twisted your arm even more. CRACK! Your arm was off and Obito threw it at your face. You held your arm and ran out in pure pain.


He thought you broke his puppets. But he was too stupid to realize his own rival broke it. Deidara. You were now in your room reading (name of book) when Sasori walked in. "Y/n if you don't love me just say so. You don't need to brake the puppet I made of you." Said Sasori holding a small puppet that looked exactly like you. You were shocked at Sasori's statement. "Sasori you know me. Why would I destroy your puppet what you made for me?" Sasori clutched on to the doll. He got Hikaru and went into him. Sasori controlled the puppet and grabbed you arm. "This is your punishment." "Sasori no wait! You can't do this!" Sasori held you left arm up high. SNAP! Your arm snapped like a twig. You held it screaming in pain. "Ow! Sasori!" Sasori walked out of your room as you held your arm crying.


You saw Hidan worship Jashin once more. You groaned and walked away. "That was fucking awesome! Hey bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you! Your talking to Kisame what the fuck!" You look at Hidan. "Kisame fucking leave!" Kisame got up and left. Hidan dragged you to his room. "What the fuck bitch! You were supposed to wait on me!!" You roll your eyes. "Maybe I didn't fucking want to today Hidan!" Hidan took out a giant sword covered in bandages and blood. He held out your left arm. "Why the fuck did you touch Kisame with the same fucking hand you touch me with!!" You cringe. "Bitch I'm fucking talking to you!!" You didn't answer. Hidan held your pinky. He chopped it off. "Ahhhhhh!" You screamed. He held your index finger and did the same. Then your thumb and bit it off. Then he held you ring to finger and chopped it off. Last he held your arm out and chopped off the entire half of it. You screamed like a man (lol 😂) and fell on your butt still screaming in pain. Hidan took your body pieces he chopped off and threw it to Jashin. You ran away to your room leaving a trail of blood.


Calm, collective Uchiha Itachi. He would never hurt you. Think again. Itachi got in an argument with his teammate Kisame because they failed a mission. Itachi rolled his eyes and walked away. "This is bullshit!" Kisame shouts. "Um Itachi." Itachi turned around with mangekyou-sharingan. He looked at you and held you left arm tightly. it cracked. CRACK! Was all you heard and blood started the run from your vains side. He threw your arm that came off like trash. "Leave me the fuck alone you worthless, idiotic, slutty, bitchy, prostitute, mother fucking whore!!!" You cried and ran grabbing your other side arm and went to your room.

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