you break up

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You were tired of Kisame always having other things to do besides hang out with you. So guess what. You got angry and confronted him. Kisame was swimming in his pool like he does every day. "Kisame you are so much into the water!! If you are then date it!" You shout annoyed. Kisame looked at you. "Alright. It's over." You stare at Kisame shocked and cried. Kisame payed you no mind. He continued swimming and you ran away crying. When you bumped into someone you tried to run to your room. "Y/n, what happened, why are you crying?" Asked Pein. You looked at Pein with red teary eyes.
"Kisame... *hick*... broke up with me." You were crying even more. Pein growled silently. "Need a shoulder?" He asked. You nod.Pein had taken you to your room and was sitting on your bed while you cried out all your feelings on Pein's shoulder. "I thought he loved me!" You cry out. Pein pats your back lovingly. "It's okay y/n it's okay." You sniffed and soon fell asleep in Pein's arms.


You were tired. You were sick and tired of Hidan's shit. "Jashin! I have brought you a fucking sacrifice of a fucking cow! Oh how much I fucking love you Jashin!" Hidan was doing one of his rituals yet again while not spending time with you. "Hidan! If you fucking love Jashin so much fucking date him!!" You shout. Hidan looked at you. "Listen bitch you are my bitch okay! So I will brake up with you when I want you hear me bitch! So get the fuck outta my face before you get hurt!" You cringe at his voice and cried.
"You know what! It's fucking over Hidan!" You scream out. Hidan turned around with a red face. "What the fuck did you say to me!?" He shouts. All of a sudden several kunais hit your foot. You barely dodged any.
You cried and ran away. When you continued to run you trip over Zetsu. "Ah!" You scream holding your leg. "Did you trip her?" "No I didn't." "Hey y/n , what's, wrong?" You look at Zetsu and began to cry. "Hidan and I broke up and he threw kunais at me." You cry looking at Zetsu. Zetsu got up from the ground and carries you to your room. He healed your leg by doing a healing justue with your natural water. "Thank you Zetsu." "Your welcome." "Next time don't date a fucker." You look at the black side of Zetsu. Then started crying again. "I'm so stupid!" Zetsu hugged you. "I am so sorry about him." "I'm not." You then fell asleep in Zetsu's arms. "Can we eat her now?" "No! I like her. And I know you like her too." "Tsk. You wish." "I am apart of you dummy I know your every thoughts." ""


You sat beside Deidara watching him make clay art instead of hanging out with you. "Um Deidara?" You ask. Deidara looked up at you giving you an annoyed look. "What un?" He asked you. You grin shyly but then turned serious. "This isn't working out with us." You said. "Good un. Because I have found someone else hm. I found a girl name Temari un and she's a slut. Also un she can fuck too so it definitely is over." You look at Deidara and got up. Don't cry you thought. You walked out his room and began crying. Tobi came from out of no where. "Y/n-chan what's wrong?" Tobi asked. You cried. "Deidara broke up with me." You chock out. "Deidara-senpei did that. Tobi will make y/n-chan feel much more better." You were taken by Tobi to you room and you fell asleep in his arms as he whispered things to you. "Don't worry y/n-chan. Tobi will make you feel loved and not useless." Tobi said. "I will do whatever it takes to make you love me." Said Obito.

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