Chapter 4: Let's Sync

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Hayoama was one of the most stylish districts in the city, a far cry from what Ava had experienced on Europa. Stylish, bustling, filled with shops and stalls selling all sorts of exotic foods and trendy shells and accessories, Ava had learned about it during his twenty years of training, but of course, experiencing it in person was completely different. The sun was beating down and was causing his cooling system to go into overdrive.

"Wow... it's so chaotic. I can barely take it all in."

"Well, this is definitely the first place we need to go Ava. Walking around with your base shell makes you stand out like a sore thumb. Everyone will know you're a military unit." Sylvie chuckled, "Besides, aren't you embarrassed? Being naked like that? It's such a boring look."

"I haven't really thought about it..."

"Well, we got paid a big big big bonus for this mission, so it's all about splashing out today! We need to find your look."

"My look?"

"Sure! Who's gonna take you seriously if you look so unfashionable?"


"So come on, what look do you want to go for? You should have enough info to know the different styles of clothing available to young Servs like ourselves."

"Well, I don't think I'm glitzy enough to dress like you."

"..." Sylvie glared at Ava, "I'm a girl Ava, boys and girls dress differently. Our shells need to accentuate features that differentiate us from boys. My shell reflects the elegance and grace of the female form, all operators are female because of the unique aspects our voice and aesthetic bring to the role."

"So why is a hacking unit a guy?"

"Don't ask me, I didn't design you." She shrugged, "anyway, your body is too lean for anything macho, I don't think you're tall enough to pull off stuff that the pop-stars wear."

"I guess I'll just buy a standard shell then?"

"Nope! We're buying you a vanity shell and that's that!"

And so the two went window shopping for hours upon hours, trying on different shells, wigs, eye dyes and accessories.

Finally, a breakthrough. The two stood in front of a mirror in a boutique store, they were accompanied by another Serv who was helping them pick out shells.

"Wow!" Sylvie exclaimed, "You know, originally I thought you were kinda boring looking. But you look stunning with this package!"

Did he though? Spiky blonde hair, bright green eyes, a shiny black shell ornamented with useless silver belts and zippers, the back had a Serv skull impression on the back too. His legs were covered in a tight, dark blue fabric. More belts and zippers.

"What the hell is this!?" Ava exclaimed, "I look like a clown!"

"You look like a pop-star Ava. Oh man, the operators will be falling head over heels for you!"

"What's the point of all these belts and zippers? And I look like a dumbass with this blonde hair."

"Goddamn Ava, you're so boring!"

"Replace the hair with something less stupid looking, and get rid of the silver stuff. I think I'd like that." Ava said to the salesperson, "Back to my standard white please."

"B-but make it longer! And more stylish!" Sylvie added, "A least get some stylish hair Ava."

"Fine whatever, but we're leaving Hayoama after this."

Sylvie beamed.

It was dark, almost midnight, the two were sat on a rather empty train headed to the military Dorms.

"Well, you're not as glam as you could be. But I guess this suits your personality, and it still looks good." Said Sylvie,

"Right," Ava lamented on how much his funds had depleted, he wasn't really sure how to spend money and was largely trusting Sylvie with it. He hoped he didn't go overboard.

"Soooo. You wanna come to my dorm and sync?"

"Oh... uhm." Ava blushed, "No that's alright."

"Huh? You don't like me?"

"Well, I mean. I do but, I'm a little young to-"

"Didn't you get educated on this during your training? It's possible to sync without creating a new Intelligence. Operators have built-in protection systems," she learned in and edged next to Ava, "it's fine, this is standard procedure for operators and military units, why do you think the Major sent us both out together?"

"..." Ava was tense,

"...Is this a Block-2 thing? Do you guys see syncing differently from Block-3s?"


"Well that sucks. I made my night free because of you." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "I'd told the other operators that I'd tell them what it's like to sync with a hacker unit too." She seemed pretty disappointed. In all honesty, Ava wasn't sure what syncing was, in his training he was told it was used to generate new Intelligences, which would then be transferred to new bodies at the factory. He knew Servs did it for recreational purposes but there seemed to be something insincere about doing something so important so... flippantly. But then again it didn't seem like Sylvie did, and she had more experience than him. It seemed like recreational syncing was a standard procedure among friends. The train stopped.

"Huh, is it my stop already?" Sylvie questioned, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow during the report Ava! It was fun hanging out!"

"Uh, wait!" Ava said,


"Let's sync."

Sylvie beamed once again.

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