Chapter 17: Go-bot and the House of God

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Go-bot walked around the Human town and observed all the people, as they went along their daily lives, people selling their wares at the shopping stalls, children playing on the streets, mothers hanging clothes out to dry. All such mysterious behaviours that he didn't quite understand.

As usual, everyone was staring at him as he walked by. Locke had revealed to him that he'd told the humans he was just a stray animal that was found outside the village. Locke said that the humans were rather ignorant of the outside world and that it was safer to keep it that way.

Ignorance is bliss, that's what he said.

So according to all these humans, robots didn't exist. In fact, they didn't even know that robots could exist. This also confused Go-bot, because what else could exist but robots? Then again it worked the other way around, he didn't understand how humans could exist. So here were these two races, separated by thousands of years, unable to really comprehend the concept of each other's existence.

Or something.

Go-bot didn't understand.

He continued to walk, it had been about two weeks since he crash landed on the Sanctuary, and he'd found he quite liked walking as a hobby, it gave him time to test out his new muscle. His brain. He tried to take in as much of the world around him as he good, try to figure things out as he saw them. It was such a different and liberating feeling from when he worked with the Serv. That wasn't to say he didn't miss Miss Sylvie and Mister Ava, he missed them a lot. Hopefully they'd be impressed with his new found level of cognition.

He walked past the town square. Ah yes, that building. What was it called? A church, it was called a church. It was larger than the other buildings, a little more elaborate, this was one of the few buildings that were made from stone. According to Locke a lot of the buildings and environments in the colony were pre-made for the humans, this probably was too. Apparently the Evos didn't know what this building was for, they simply recreated it based on records they'd found on Earth, apparently it was a building that was essential for human survival, even though people didn't live there or anything. And the information was correct, the humans flocked to it. Even though it didn't look to serve any purpose.

The words "House of God" were written in English above the doors. Most likely the Evos who made this building didn't know what that meant either. Go-bot sure didn't.

Still, he was always curious, and it seemed to be empty at this time of the day. Why not pop in?

The inside of the church was rather barren, just rows of seats facing an alter at the end, There was a massive stone statue that was illuminated by the light that passed through the church windows. This was something Go-bot recognised, an elegant looking woman holding an orb in her hand, the orb itself was painted in all sorts of shades of red and orange, it was surrounded by four other orbs that were suspended from the floor with thin stone pillars.

The big orb looked like Jupiter, what were the other orbs? They can't have been Jupiter's moons, Jupiter only had three moons, after all. The woman herself, she looked familiar too, but he wasn't sure where he'd seen her before. The only woman he saw most often was Aphrodite, they looked kind of similar but that was only because Go-bots facial recognition for humans wasn't perfect (he usually identified them by voice instead).

Go-bot stayed there and looked at the statue for a while. Eventually the door of the church opened behind him.

"Ah, trust you to be in the last place I'd look," it was Locke, "you seem fascinated by this statue."

"What is it?" asked Go-bot,

"They worship this, this is their god." Said Locke,

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