The Fall of Man, Part 1

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"I don't know how many years ago it was, thousands upon thousands I suppose, I've lost count, to be honest.

"But a long time ago, when the human race had reached a certain peak of scientific discovery and enlightenment when they'd expanded their reach to the furthest reaches of the solar system and developed technologies beyond your wildest dreams, they were forced to sacrifice it all to ensure their survival.

"There was an assault from an unknown enemy, they visited our solar system via portals originating from... well, somewhere unknown, an unfathomable area in the universe. (or maybe multiverse?)

"Anyway, their portal technology made them extremely dangerous, almost impossible to track, but thankfully the first wave of reconnaissance ships they'd sent were easily picked up by our intelligence.

"The second time they came, with actual battleships, we were ready.

"That was a one hundred year gap you know by the way, between when the drone ships came and when their battleships did. By the time they'd arrived the planet Earth itself had become a battleship of its own.

"I remember how celebrated our planetary shields were, how much we bragged about the destructive power of our missiles. The entire human race, a whole generation, were raised in anticipation of an incoming war.

"We're good at that kind of stuff you know. War. The results speak for themselves, when the new battleships came we managed to drive them off. They had no idea our race would develop our weapons to such an advanced level in one hundred years.

"For we who live for millennia, one hundred years is nothing more than a blade of grass in an endless meadow. But the human race. We move fast.

"Anyway. This continued on for generations and generations. A back and forth between this unknown enemy and the human race.

"Their ships became more and more advanced, our planet Earth became more and more of a machine of war. We'd steal their technology and they'd steal ours. It went on and on and on.

"Finally we got a hold of the ultimate device.

"The Black Hole Bomb.

"Now before you say anything. No, the Black Hole Bomb isn't a weapon of mass destruction. It's a bomb that generates a wormhole.

"Pardon my lack of detail here, I'm a geneticist, not a physicist, but as far as I remember, the Black Hole Bomb creates a black hole and instantly stretches it into a ring to get rid of the singularity. I think it's called a "Kerr Black Hole", by doing so, it's possible to travel through it without getting crushed into oblivion. Incidentally, these Black Holes are micro singularities created by electron manipulation, if they're not manipulated to be turned into Kerr Black Holes they're completely harmless anyway.

"I don't know why I bothered telling you all that. Stretching my brain muscles I suppose, either way, it opened up our capability to teleport.

"Teleportation became a more common form of transportation, over time it became easier and easier to teleport larger and larger objects without any worry of damage.

"Isn't that incredible? Didn't I tell you mankind advanced to a level far beyond comprehension?

"Well, it didn't stop there.

"We found them.

"Using the Black Hole Bomb we managed to find the race of extraterrestrial beings that were causing us so much distress.

"Interdimensional. They weren't from this world.

"We sent drones to their home planet, which was completely unguarded at the time, and started a skirmish that went back and forth for more and more generations.

"So yes, the conflict intensified because we became too curious, and now the status quo of us managing to survive, had become one of our race slowly dwindling. Slowly disappearing into nothingness.

"So what ended the battle?

"What caused us to actually lose?

"Well, they'd figured out that we'd keep reproducing, keep teaching our children and keep developing new and better weapons with each generation, so they decided the only way they could beat us was to spread a virus. It was a virus that changed the DNA structure of a human being, made them completely unable to reproduce. Coded into our genes were now self-destructive mutagens, so any children we did manage to have would be deformed and die within a few weeks. Even with cloning and test tube babies, it didn't work. Our genes couldn't be moved on to another generation.

"So, all they had to do, was wait it out. Wait for us to die of old age."

A devilish smile appeared on Mother's face.

"Of course." she said, "I think you can guess that that's not what actually happened."

"How the hell did you manage to last this long? How didn't you die of old age?" asked Ava,

"Calm down. It's time for part two of the story"

Ava and Aphrodite: The First Human in 8000 Years (Featured)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz