End of Part 8: Sylvie Reborn

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Ava finally managed to find his way out.

He was back in Mother's living room, his hand on Sylvie's forehead. He pulled back and kept his eyes on Sylvie. He had no idea how she'd react, what sort of damage the procedure might have done.

He noticed it, the moment Sylvie opened her eyes, they were the eyes of a different person. It was a person who was lost, confused, and afraid.

"Wh-where am I!?" Sylvie exclaimed. She started breathing heavily and looked around erratically.

"Calm down Sylvie! It's me, Ava! You're on Earth, at mother's place. Remember?" Ava replied,

"Sylvie? Who's Sylvie!?" she stood up, "and who the hell are you guys!?"

"Don't you remember?" asked Aphrodite, "c'mon man we've been traveling together for a while now..."

"What on Earth are you talking about? Where's Akira and the others?"

The group all looked at each other, confused. Who was Akira? Why didn't Sylvie recognise her own name?

"Sylvie what's the last thing you remember?" asked Ava,

"...I don't know. It's fuzzy." Sylvie stopped, she looked dead into Ava's eyes, "wait. No, I think I recognise you."

"Right! Yes! It's me, Ava!"

Sylvie stared at him. No reply. She looked around and examined the others. Her eyes widened when she saw Mother, "Dr. Clarke!" she said enthusiastically, "finally a familiar face!"

"...Hello." Mother replied, "you recognise me do you?"

"Well, yes. Of course I do. Don't you recognise me?"

"I'm afraid not. It's been a while since I met the other people at the facility you see." she frowned, "a while since you were turned into an Android."

Sylvie slumped back onto the floor.

"Oh." she muttered, "that's right." she slumped back onto the floor, "damn."

Mother walked up to Sylvie and looked her dead in the eye,

"Tell me what your name is."

"My name? You really don't recognise me?"

"Like I said. It's been a while, a besides," Mother sighed, "I think maybe, your name and face has changed significantly over time, as you've moved from body to body. Even the slightest changes in model, as they go on for thousands of years, can end up folding on to each other to create a completely different person."

"What?" Sylvie frowned, "I'm Saori Tenkawa, the lead project manager for the Human Immortality Program, does that ring a bell?"

A devilish smile appeared on Mother's face. The words 'project manager' had garnered a reaction out of her.

"Oh god... I'm an android." Sylvie shivered, she tried to contain her growing insanity, "What have I done to myself?"

"Don't worry too much about that Miss Tenkawa," said Mother, "after all, your brain is still organic. We now have the technology to integrate it with a biological human body. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Sylvie didn't reply.

"What's going on? Am I really not dreaming?" she looked at everyone again, she didn't seem to look threatened anymore. Ava didn't understand why no-one had told her the full story yet, and right before he did mother held up her hand to stop him,

"You're not dreaming." said mother, "but you do need some sleep. You need to get your brain back in order. The truth might be too much for you at the moment... Saori."

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