Chapter 25: The Slaughter

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Apparently both Go-bot and Aphrodite lived in a little flat above the town square, they shared it as a space with Locke, who owned the house downstairs. They must have developed some sort of friendship. After wading through the sea of corpses, that disgusted Sylvie but went completely ignored by Locke, they approached the house, walked up the stairs to the side, and made their way into the flat.

The inside of the flat was still pristine, everything was clean and tidy. It really didn't belong in the wasteland that surrounded it. Was Locke keeping it tidy this whole time?

"Ms Sylvie!" a recognisable child-like voice. Go-bot, who was in the corridor, dropped the spade he was holding and waddled over to Sylvie as fast as he could. He tried to hug her but he couldn't quite get his arms around her legs.

"Go-bot! You're ok!" Sylvie crouched down and hugged him for real, she wasn't sure why but emotions started to flood out. She didn't remember being so emotionally attached to Go-bot, maybe it was just that fact that she wasn't alone in such a dark and grim corner of the universe that brought out these emotions.

"I can't see Ms Sylvie!"

Sylvie's hair and face were covering Go-bot's tiny eyes, "Oh, sorry," Sylvie pulled back, but she remained crouched on the floor. She preferred being down on the floor with Go-bot than she did being with Locke.

"Ah, it's nice that you two both finally got to meet," said Locke, the creepy insane Evo.

Sylvie tried to ignore him, "I'm glad you're ok Go-bot. I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner."

"That's ok Miss Sylvie, I knew you'd find me eventually!"

"It's been a complicated four years on Mars. And, I'm assuming it's been complex for you too."

"Yes, the sanctuary fell. Everyone died years ago."

"What happened here?" Sylvie paused for a moment, "Go-bot, you're a Block-5 aren't you?"

"No. Not anymore."

"I modified him, his limiter was taken off." Locke interrupted,

"Limiter?" Sylvie scratched her head,

"His brain was modified to emulate the intelligence of your Block-5 Serv robots. This is how intelligent a normal Evo child is." Locke chuckled, "Although I suppose you're not quite a child any more are you Go-bot?"

"Locke made me able to learn. So I learned a lot by myself." Go-bot explained,

"I see, so that explains it," it explained how he was able to hold a coherent conversation with Sylvie without coming across like a dumbass, "in that case, Go-bot, can you tell me what happened here?"

Go-bot turned to Locke, the creepy robot was looking at the two, the creepy deluded robot had that dead look in his eyes again.

"Mr Locke, Can me and Sylvie go on a walk together? To catch up." Go-bot asked,

"Oh, um, I thought Sylvie wanted to meet Aphrodite."

"...Aphrodite is sleeping." Sleeping, Sylvie could tell what Go-bot was saying here: Aphrodite wasn't around either. Was she dead too?

"Well, very well I suppose. Make sure to keep your footing Go-bot." the creepy Evo smiled again. Sylvie shuddered.

Sylvie stood up and cautiously headed for the door, she felt like at any moment Locke would snap and go berserk, however Go-bot's calmness managed to keep her grounded. The two exited the flat and made their way to the main streets, which was covered in corpses.

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