Chapter 23: Queen of the Scrapyard

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The Evo took a couple of steps forward, before it could do anything else Ava unlocked his limiter and sped towards the beast with his baton ready. With that level of speed and force he might be able to take the thing out without worrying about harming his body.

He dashed right in front of the Evo and jumped in the air, he then thrust his baton downwards aiming straight for the head of the monster. Hopefully that's where its brain was. If it was, he'd be able to gain a foothold and hack it, making the fight much easier.

But things weren't that easy, of course. The giant spider shielded its head with its two front arms, Ava smashed his baton into one of the forearms with enough force that it tore it off, however before he could do anything else the Evo swatted him away with the other.

Ava crashed into a pile of scrap but quickly jumped up and regained his footing, there was no way he'd leave himself defenceless. Once again he brandished his baton and dashed towards the Evo. Despite being so huge, the Evo managed to use its massive legs to jump into the air and land on a large pile of scrap behind it, it had the higher ground.

The Evo started to throw bits of scrap at Ava, small bits, nothing too damaging (for some reason). Ava couldn't quite understand why it hadn't used its gatling gun yet, but he managed to largely avoid the debris and ran up the wall of garbage to reach the creature again.

He landed behind the Evo and kicked it at full force, sending it crashing back to the ground where it had jumped from. The force of the kick damaged his own leg, but at the same time it managed to do significant damage to the Evo. It didn't manage to land correctly so a lot of its legs were smashed, and the place where he had kicked it was cracked open.

Ava jumped back down, making sure not to put too much pressure on his damaged leg.

The lights of the Evo were completely smashed, it was having trouble standing up. Ava had managed to immobilise it completely. He stepped forward, once again with his baton brandished. He pressed the button on the side once.

He hesitated for a moment, but then he made his final choice. He pressed the button a second time. To kill.

Before he could take even another step though, a crowd of small robots that were the same model of Go-bot started to run to the square where the two were fighting. They started to surround the giant creature.

"Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" their arms outstretched, like they were protecting the beast, a few looked like they were tending to it, the others surrounded it and faced Ava, continuing to say "stop" again and again in their robotic voices.

They were trying to protect it.

But why? Evo's didn't care about each other, they trashed each other the moment they showed even a tiny fault in their programming. The pleadings of the other Evos held Ava in place, he couldn't help it, somehow they were managing to garner sympathy. Sympathy for the beast that tried to kill him.


Ava thought back. The Evo did bellow at him.

But at what point did the Evo actually attack him?

"Oh no!" another voice, more human. It came from one of the main roads leading to the square, the road that led towards the giant reactor in the middle of the city. Ava saw the figure of the being the voice belonged to emerge from the darkness of the road, what were once simply white flashing eyes soon revealed themselves to be, yet another Evo. But this one was different. Longer legs, defined arms, an actual neck. Yes, he was far more humanoid that the other Evos Ava had seen. Still clearly made of synthetic material, dark, matt black paint sprayed over his metal body, still very angular. Clearly an Evo and yet... his presence seemed to exude a sense of consciousness. One that Ava hadn't encountered from an Evo before. Perhaps it was the way he eagerly ran towards the spider Evo, there seemed to be genuine care and, perhaps even, emotion to his actions.

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