File #3: Evidence of Alien Ancestors

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Evidence of Atmosphere on Earth

While the planet Earth is now a desert planet similar to the areas outside the colonies on Mars, it is theorised that the planet once had an atmosphere very similar to the inner colonies. Biological life such as rabbits, foxes and others could easily thrive in such an atmosphere.

The existence of large impact craters and high concentration of gas isotope Xenon 129 suggests that thermonuclear reactions reduced the planet to rubble, several thousands of years ago.

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Evidence of Civilisation on Earth

While the fragments of rock surrounding Earth makes it difficult to land on the planet, high powered telescopes have revealed that artificially-made constructs still exist – whether these are just tricks of the eye or truly buildings and monuments as we believe they may be, is yet to be confirmed.

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Evidence of Ancestors

Many of the materials used to make our original colonies, from thousands of years ago, have been revealed to be made of minerals not available on this planet. Our estimation of the composition of the planet Earth suggests that the minerals may have originated from there, in which case an argument can be made that our homes were originally made by this Ancestral Race.

Similarly, it could be argued these beings looked similar to Servs due to the fact that many ancient artifacts are suited for beings of similar size and build of Servs, but are too advanced to have been built by any primitive Serv ancestors that we had on this planet:

Incidentally, legitimising these ancient artifacts also arguably disproves the theory of evolution, the idea that we all started as Block-6 Servs and developed our intelligence and cognitive abilities over time is contradicted if we're to believe that we were all made artificially by a seed sown by these beings.

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Evidence of Inherited Behavioural Traits

As of yet we have still not isolated a reason for why we continue to ensure that the colonies have habitable atmospheres for carbon-based lifeforms, or why we allowed flora and fauna to flourish when neither are necessary for our survival. Constant maintenance of the atmospheric control system is innately built in to our behaviours, and even that of the Evo-robots. A feasible explanation for this may be that we were developed to ensure our carbon-based ancestors were able to live on these extra-terrestrial colonies.

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