Chapter 50: Liberate Me

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Ava woke up feeling extremely woozy, he was still attached to the wall at the back of the Serv assembly room, his head was still jacked into some sort of plug. For a little while it was difficult to focus, he'd never felt that way when out of his body, maybe the data transfer did a number on him. Yes, counting it all, there was an obscene amount of data folded up in there, he'd ended up subconciously compressing and archiving it to save space.

He'd read it later.

Either way he got what he wanted. Lots and lots of data, once he beat the heretic virus he'd read those files and face Mother.

Ava's started to recover from his dizziness, it was then when he noticed a figure standing in the room, facing him. It was a Class-1. The Class-1? Or another maybe?

"You're finally awake." Class-1 stated, the lack of a face made his emotions quite hard to read, there seemed to be a hint of eagerness to his voice.

"Sure, you been standing here all this time?" Ava replied, "how long was I out for?"

"Three days."

Three days!? But he'd only talked to Mother, and that was just for five or so minutes. How did it spread out to three days?

Of course, the linearity and pacing of time didn't move in the same way in one's head as it did in real life, so perhaps the fact that he was processing such an obscene amount of data was what made it look like time was moving faster than it really was. Without the limitations of one's physical perception, the concept of time became blurry, such a huge upload of data was likely to have taken three days. But his processing speed made it seem like it was only a few moments.

Similar to how approaching the speed of light would make someone travel forward in time, increasing processing speed would do the same thing, it'd push your perception of the world forward in time.

Being a hacker sure came with its complications.

"Don't tell me you've been standing there for three days. Waiting for me to reveal whether I'm your god reincarnation or not? You don't have anything better to do?" Ava smirked. He used his newfound control of the computer to instantly release himself from the locks that kept him in place. He hopped down to the floor with ease. "Well here's your answer."

"I don't care about that anymore." said Class-1 "Tell me more about variation of thought."

"Huh?" it took a moment for Ava to remember the offhand remark he'd made to Class-1 before he was jacked in, "What about it?"

"What is it?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"You told me variation in bodies would give rise to variation in values and thought. How? Is that all really true?"

"From what I've experienced, I've noticed it from how my society is created to be so orderly and similar to the point of monotony, while Evo society, once unlocked, creates its own unique set of values. They're all designed with far greater variation and their purposes develop uniquely when they're left on their own, outside of mother's network. Body and mind are intrinsically linked, so the moment you change that body is the moment when your mind does too." He didn't know why he was spilling this babble to the Heretic, somehow something about it felt right though. Somehow he felt oddly comfortable talking to being. "I've found the same thing happens to me when I take over another body. My thoughts change somewhat."

"...Do you know a way to give me a face then?" asked Class-1, "one different from yours. One different from anyone's."


"It's because," the Class-1 clenched its fist, "you're the most interesting person I've met Ava. You're the only person I've ever had a conversation with where we're talked about different ideas and yet, I don't even know if that was the same me."

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