Chapter 85: Defense System

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Sylvie stared at the screen for a moment. Her eyes open wide.

She tried the username and password again.

Once again it didn't work.

"That was my password, that was definitely my password!" she exclaimed,

"Are you sure? No chance of it being something else?" asked Aphrodite, "Wait, it said your username didn't exist, didn't it? That means it's not your password that's incorrect-"

"It means my user details were removed. I guess at some point in history they decided my login details weren't valid. Tch. Of course."

"W-well what are we going to do?"

"I don't know..."

The two stood there, completely lost. What could they do? Maybe retreat for now and come up with another plan of action?

An alarm started to ring, the lights turned red and all the teleporters started to flash with the words "exit" on them.

"Wait, what activated the-" Aphrodite said,

"...Maybe we didn't manage to fool it." Sylvie muttered,

"Fool what?."

"The network."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you know? The Network itself is an autonomous being. It has its own individual thought process and higher level AI. Maybe it's defense system is more advanced than we thought. Or maybe..." Sylvie frowned, "maybe it evolved over the past eight thousand years?"

"Why didn't I know this!? No-one mentioned there was an AI here!" Aphrodite growled, "what level alert is this, how much time do we have?"

"From the sounds of it, if I remember correctly, it's a level 3 alarm."


"Meaning this whole floor will be flooded with hard wax in thirty minutes." Sylvie almost fell back in shock, she sat on the console clumsily, trying to keep herself on her feet "Shit."

"Ok, we need to get the hell out of here. Come on."

"But, but if we leave now-"

"We'll die if we don't leave Sylvie! The journey here was almost twenty minutes!" she grabbed Sylvie arm,

"No!" Sylvie pulled her arm back, "are you crazy!? If we don't do this now millions of Servs, Billions of Evos, the potential to save the entire damn human race, it'll be gone!" she frowned, "You know what, I don't care if all life in the universe ends. But I know you and Ava do. I know everyone does. This is the single most important event in the history of mankind."

Do we live, or do we die?

"But-" Aphrodite started. She didn't know what to say, "but what can we do? The AI is kicking us out. And we don't even have the username and password."

"It's fine. I'll hack the security system to delay the self-preservation wax. You get out there and bring Ava to me."

"You need Ava?"

"Yes. The teleporters are all set to exit the facility, so you'll get there in time. Although he'll have to hack his way back in."

"...Sylvie. You can't perform a second hack."

Sylvie paused for a moment and then she pulled a wire out from the back of her neck,

"Well, I'm gonna try anyway."

"You'll die Sylvie!"

Sylvie trembled, she wished that Aphrodite didn't remind her of that. She couldn't help but admit that she was scared of death. She didn't want to see this as some sort of sacrifice but-

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