Chapter 9: Meeting God

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It wasn't too long until Ava found himself waddling down the corridor of the bottom floor. The co-ordination between the Ava and Sylvie, and Go-bot's curious musings, made the rest of the infiltration a cake-walk so far. The corridor itself was completely pale white and had several doors lining each end, looking inside, all the rooms were operating rooms. Why'd they have multiple operating rooms? Either way, the only active room was right in the middle, where the human was being held.

"Ava, good news." Said Sylvie,

"What's that?" Ava replied,

"I've secured a safe escape route, in case we want to take the human with us. Actually, even if we don't, the place is ideal because it has a transmission system if we want to transfer our copy-AIs."

"You mean... you've found a ship?!"

"Right! Several. They're populated though."

"What class ship is it? One we've seen before? Does it resemble any of the Evo warships?"

"An E405, almost identical to the E106 warships."


"Why? What're you gonna do?"

"Well we don't need a whole warship. We'll take one of the escape pods."

"...Don't humans need organic food like rabbits and stuff do? Won't it starve to death en route to Mars?"

"..." If Ava had a Serv face, it'd be frowning, "I'm sure we'll think a way around that. In the meantime, good job locking out all the Evos in the area, I can't see any."

"Still. Be careful."

Ava continued to waddle down the corridor. He was approaching the main doors. Unlike all the others, the room had a white light emanating from it, it seemed almost divine, like a doorway to another world. What was he going to see?

A God. Most likely.

No fear. He opened the door wide and went in. Maybe it was just the way he mind was translating it, but the room looked like an infinite space of white, no walls, just brightness. Nothingness. In front of him, just a couple of meters ahead there was a glass pod filled with an ethereal blue liquid. But it was the being inside, the being floating helplessly inside that truly made his entire soul stop for a moment.

The first human in 8000 years.

A diminutive human, long flowing hair and a smooth silky shell. No, it was skin, like other mammals had. Incredible, not one joint was visible, it truly looked like a divine being. Its eyes were closed and clearly unconscious, but still... it exuded an aura of unimaginable power.

He wasn't in a Serv body. But if he was, he'd be trembling, he'd be on his knees. He didn't know why, but being in its presence locked him tight an-

"Ava? You there? You Copy Ai's psych readings are all over the place," Sylvie's voice was full of concern, "have you found the human?"

"Sylvie, I..." he was tense, "it's not a new-born. I'd imagine it's just before adolescence, if the briefing files are to believed."

"Oh. In that case..."

"Yeah, I need to find a way to kill it." He looked at it. To kill his own creator, what kind of cardinal sin was he committing here?

Suddenly, a robotic voice cut through the tension.

"You're not in service here are you sir?" it wasn't Go-bot, it wasn't Sylvie. Ava turned to locate the voice. He fell back to reality and noticed that the room was just a normal operating room, and another robot had found him. A robot that looked quite similar to Go-bot, but painted white, was standing at the door.

Ava and Aphrodite: The First Human in 8000 Years (Featured)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt