Chapter 49: The Factory

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Ava watched as the skies turned dark, the blank white above him began to turn an ominous black, and it became clear that the truck he was in was entering some sort of factory district. From where he was he could see ruined buildings towering high into the sky, shadows colliding with each other as the vehicle went further and further into the depths of some sort of complex that he couldn't quite make out from his vantage point.

It reminded him of the scrapyard.

After several hours of travelling through the city the truck finally stopped. The Heretics got out and dragged Ava onto his feet. They took out some chains and tied his wrists together as best they could. Ava had found himself in an almost impossibly large complex. He was on a thin bridge that overlooked the myriad of pillars and other bridges that sunk deep into the depths below and soared high into the dark skies above. Ava could hear the sloshing of Europa's oceans below, the complex seemed to be partially underground.

"This is where you're going to examine me?" he asked,

"Yes. We're going to continue here on foot," said the Class 1, "to the main lab."

Ava had never heard of a place like this existing on Europa, it was clear to him what it was, a massive supercomputer that was powered by the ocean's currents below. But what was it for? There was no way the Heretics had created it in such a short amount of time, which meant the Evos were using this before.

"What do you guys use this place for?" Ava couldn't help but ask,

"None of your business," The Class 1 walked ahead,

Ava limped forward to follow, "...we're taking you to a place to examine your brain, why aren't you resisting?"

"No point is there? You've damaged my legs. It's better for me to follow."

The Class 1 didn't reply, although Ava was certain if it had eyes, it'd be narrowing them with suspicion.

"You act as if I've been acting odd this whole time, but you're the one who's been answering all my questions without hesitation," said Ava as the group continued to walk along the bridge.

"We've got nothing to hide."

"Really? It almost feels like you want someone to converse with."

"Shut up..." the Heretic sounded like it was starting to get frustrated. So the Class 1 Heretics weren't just mindless robots, they were capable of being frustrated. They had a level of autonomy that was recognisably higher than most. Equivalent to a Block-3 at least.

The group walked through several miles of long hallways, all of which were populated by Heretic infected Evos of all shapes and sizes. Ava was still busy trying to figure out what the complex was originally for, even if it was a supercomputer, why would it need places for Evos to linger in? That's not how the Evos worked, they were all orderly, all placed meticulously in key job roles. Not messily scurrying around big hallways doing what so ever they wanted.

Ava could only come to one conclusion. That this supercomputer had nothing to do with Evos. It was a construction that was created by Mother for alternative means. It was too dissimilar to everything else related to Evos.


Eventually, they reached an enormous room deep in the bowels of the complex. There were countless computer panels and screens lining the walls, including jacks on the back wall that were clearly made for humanoid figures like Servs. There was a collection of small robotic arms on the ceiling above, and surrounding the jacks that looked like they were made specifically for fiddling with whatever was placed there.

And then Ava figured it out.

This was a Serv factory. Looking at it, it was quite obvious, the room existed for no reason other than to create a Serv completely from scratch. But what was it doing on Europa? Servs were without a doubt being created by humans on Earth, and since then were reproduced on factories on Mars. Why did this extremely complex supercomputer exist? When was it used?

"This is where you guys are born, isn't it?" asked Ava,

"Does it matter? Get on that wall. If you really want to prove you're who you say you are, you'll let us examine you." the Class 1 replied.

Ava shrugged and hobbled over to one of the jacks, the moment he did the robotic arms sprung into action. They grabbed Ava and pulled him to the wall. The back of his head was pushed straight into the brain jack, his hands were lifted up gripped tightly by locks that were attached to the metal walls.

He lay against the wall, a foot or so above the ground, arms across in a T shape. It was uncomfortable for sure, but the fact that he was directly jacked into the computer couldn't have pleased him more.

"If you truly are who you claim to be, you'll be able to unlock this computer for us." said the Class 1.

"Unlock?" that was a surprise,

"The Heretic Virus has been using this computer's basic functions to create clones, based on rudimentary blueprint of the original Serv who created of the virus. Ava. However we're aware that the computer's great complexity allows for variation in design. More sophisticated bodies."

"In doing so you'll be creating more variation in thought. You know that right?"

"Are you suggesting that the body image and mind are intrinsically linked? That having a different body, a more sophisticated body, will automatically lead to the creation of values that are different from our own."

"Yeah, most likely." Why was Ava telling the Class 1 this? It didn't help his cause at all. For some reason this conversation fascinated him though, he felt like he was on the edge of an epiphany, as if discussing this with the Class 1, or with anyone, would bring him closer to the truth of why a Serv factory like this existed on Europa.

"Well. We'll see how things turn out then," the Class 1 said, "you'll make a good addition to our collection of Class 1 Heretics when this is over, Ava-11." a statement that sounded almost friendly.

The Class 1 turned around and walked to the exit.

As he did Ava felt himself lose awareness of the outside world. The brain jack started to take effect and pulled him into the guts of the supercomputer, exactly where he wanted to be.

This was Ava's chance. His chance to learn something incredible.

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