File #10: Copy AI System Flaw 2

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This is a continuation of the Copy AI Flaw 1 in such that Copy-AIs should not be kept in a host body for too long, just in case they suffer cognitive disassociation disorder. However it must be noted that we have found that the larger, and more severe flaw is that deleting Copy-AI data is fundamentally impossible.

If an AI is placed in any blank body, it will be imprinted forever, if it is left in a host body for too long, it will be imprinted forever.

This means that every Copy-AI soldier we've created has maintained their cognitive abilities until their death. As a failsafe the Block-6 Servs are set to self-destruct upon mission completion, our opinion on the ethics of having a copy of a certain individual perpetually living in another, lower block body, has led to this choice.

Arguably from the perspective of a Serv who is going off to war in a copy body, he is also going off to die, and this has happened with several millions of bodies as of the inception of the copy-AI system.

However it is a necessary system.

This is something we keep a secret from the Block-3s because, while they lack the capacity to feel fear, knowledge of potential death as a Block-6 Copy AI can hold back their performance due to the increased desire to protect their bodies.


Upon mission completion, the Block-6 body will send all memories back to the original. The original individual will believe that his counterpart on the Block-6 machine will be gone. The Block-6, now most likely hysterical in the knowledge that he or she is still in a Block-6 body, will be set to self-destruct

If, for some reason, the self-destruct programming is overridden, the bodies themselves are engineered on a mechanical level to degrade within a variable number years (usually four). Hence if a Block-6 were to somehow avoid self-destruction, it would eventually decompose from the inside anyway.

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