File #2: The Copy AI System

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The Copy AI system is one that replicates the thought patterns of a Serv and implements it into a machine of similar processing power.

As with most Serv inventions, this was developed to help against the war against the Evo robots. The Copy AI is used in several ways:

Implementation in Dolls:

Generic Servs are sent out into the battlefield with a copy of the intelligence of soldiers back on Mars. The Dolls on the battlefield hence have an adequate level of cognition and self-awareness, enough to be effective in battle. This also means that if a Serv is killed in battle, there is no real casualty, because the original still exists.

There have been lobbies against this form of warfare because many argue that once a doll receives a Copy AI it earns a right to call itself an autonomous being, and hence shouldn't be treated as expendable.

It is, however, generally agreed that this is a necessary evil. Evos are mass produced, and letting original Serv consciousness's die in battle is heavily detrimental to the cause. Mass produced weaponry is invaluable.

Usage by operators:

Operators usually help Serv units on solo missions by giving them the lay of the land, explaining or updating mission parameters, and generally providing ad hoc advice. This is impossible to do in missions where the operator is on Mars while the Serv unit is farther into space, the severe time lag for the digital information to send makes the data useless.

Copy AI of Operators are installed into Serv units during missions so that they can still provide help in real-time.

Usually the original Operator is put in deep sleep during the mission and the Copy-AI gets uploaded into her brain after the mission. The implemented memory makes it seem like she was helping with the mission in real time all along.


For remote hacking, Block 2 Serv units can self-replicate and create weak copies if there is a terminal and network of equal processing power around. In general however, using an Operator to perform remote hacking jobs is better, as it allows them to maintain higher cognition and decision making.

Quick Escape:

As a last resort, Serv units may decide to transmit their intelligence digitally to another body. This may be in a case where distances are too long to travel back physically, where no ships to travel are around, or simply when a Serv unit is about to die in battle but happens to be near a transmission beacon.

This is arguably the same as the Doll implementation, however seeing as the original gets automatically destroyed after the transmission, it is generally considered that the "Copy AI" in this transmission is probably fine to call an original.

This has also created ethical debates, and, once again, has been agreed to be a necessary evil.

Two major flaws with the Copy AI system:








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