Recovered File #1: The Scrapyard

800 92 4

File recovered from PC-class War ship:

Scrapyard Moon

One of two colonised moons on the moons of Saturn. This is largely used to dispose of any and all metal junk, including inactive Evo units.

The moon is covered in three layers before reaching ground level:

Solar Shield

A collection of panels that rotate around the moon collecting solar energy from this sun, this is how the automated systems of the moon are powered. The panels also make the moon almost undetectable from far away, hence long distance travel to the scrapyard moon is very difficult.

Anchor Islands

These are metal structures in the sky on the moon that are connected to the solar shields, they hover in the sky and are largely used to deposit the junk that is sent to the moon. The Anchor Islands have cranes that lower themselves to ground level, usually junk is sorted via weight and then released into chemical baths that are on ground level.

The cranes are usually the lengths and widths of typical Skycrapers found on Serv colonies, they are extremely large structures that carry around tonnes of scrap metal.

Black Clouds

The atmosphere below is almost entirely made of pollution from the chemical baths. The sky is permanently black and on certain times of the year, the black clouds form to shower the ground with acid rain.

Scrapyard Cities

There are several different scrapyard areas divided by the type of metal, machines, and waste being disposed of. All of them are gated off and have several chemical factories scattered inside of them, the largest city contains a giant structure containing supercomputer in the centre controlling them all. This supercomputer is an advanced AI known as LOCKE, who is given autonomy away from Mother. (Incidentally, there is another LOCKE on the sanctuary planet.)

It is rumoured that some scrap robots managed to survive or escape the acid baths and have created their own community in the scrapyard. As of now, they have not been considered a threat, and hence they remain untouched.

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