Tent Buddies

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the title is a bit weird but, trust me, it's a good one ;)


You put the last thing in your bag when your mom calls you from downstairs.

"(Y/N)! Are you ready yet? We started the car!"

"Okay, I'm coming!" You call back, getting your bag and sun glasses then walking down the steps and outside in the car.

You, your mom, and your dad planned to spend a day/night of your summer at a camping ground in the woods.

When everybody is in the car, you guys start driving.

"How long is the drive?" You ask. You don't feel that well in cars when it's a long drive so you wanted to ask.

"Only around thirty minutes." Your dad takes a sharp turn and you hit the side of your head on the top of the car.

"Ouch." You rub the spot on your head.

This is gonna be a great half an hour...


"We're here!" Your mom announces as she gets out the car.

You and your dad get out the car and you inhale deeply. Let's just say that your head is gonna be very sore for the rest of the day.

You see three large tents on the grass and you smile. Just enough room for the three of you.

"Ah, here they are!" Your mom smiles and walks off somewhere.

You turn to your dad, confused. "What does she mean by 'here they are'?"

"Oh my goodness... did she forget to tell you? We're sharing this camp ground with one of our close friends and their son."

"What?" You stare at your dad. "I thought this was all for ourselves!"

He shakes his head. "Sorry, honey. You're gonna have to share with their son..."

Your eyes widened. "But-but... I can't!"

You walk off, still pretty angry at your parents for not telling you that you were gonna share the camp ground, and that you have to share a tent with their son.

"Ugh, I thought this was actually gonna be fun..." You grumble under your breath, not looking where you're going.

You bump into someone and hit your head. You clutch your forehead. "Ow! Hey, watch it! My head already hurts enough!"

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I can get you some ice if you want..."

You look up and see (C/N) in front of you. You blush. "I'm sorry for snapping... I just found out we have to share our camp ground with some strangers..."

(C/N) frowns. "Well, I hope you have a better day. I found the same thing out as well. And I have to share my tent with a girl!" He paused. "No offence."

"None taken." You shake your head. "I have to share a tent with a person of the opposite gender too."

He furrows his eyebrows. "That's so weird."

You scratch the back of your neck and blush. "Yeah, it is."

"(C/N)! Come meet Mr and Mrs. (Y/L/N)!"

You turn your head and see a woman standing next to your parents, assuming it was (C/N)'s mother.

"What? Why?" (C/N) asks.

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