Mr. Jealous

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hehe. ;)


"Look, I'm sorry, (G/F/N), I don't feel the same way..." You say, feeling guilty. You could tell that he felt hurt by your response.

Right before that, one of your closest guy friends, (G/F/N), confessed that he has a crush on you. But, you don't like him back. You actually like your best guy friend, (C/N).

He leaned in and kisses you. You pull back almost immediately. "Stop it! I know your upset, but it won't change my feelings for you. I'm sorry... I think of you as a brother, not in any other way."

He sighs and walks off.

You feel relieved that he finally left you alone. So, you begin walking home from school.

Where's (C/N)? You think, looking around for him.

He was just standing there a couple seconds ago, waiting for you to walk home with him since you guys were neighbors. But now, he vanished.

You try to call him but he doesn't answer.

Whatever, I'll call him later and ask where he was.

With that thought, you walk back home by yourself, feeling a bit uneasy because he wasn't here. You two walked home together everyday for the past three years. So what was up now?

You brush it off as you walk into your house and lay down on the couch, exhausted from the school day.

As your eyes begin to droop, you decide to take a small nap.


As you walk to the school the next day, you feel a ping of annoyance. (C/N) wasn't there again. So you ended up walking to school by yourself, looking like a loner.

Did he seriously ditch me? You think as you stare at the scene in front of you.

(C/N) was talking to a pretty girl with long blonde hair. When (C/N) steps closer, you feel your heart deflate. It was like your heart was a balloon and he just shot a dozen bullets at it.

Your eyes begin to slightly water but you blink, holding back the tears.

But, you broke when you see them connect lips, passionately kissing.

Tears run down your eyes as you run to the ladies room. You run the cold water and splash your face.

Toughen up! You can't show him how he hurt you!

But it was hard because (C/N) ignored you for the rest of the day.

When you walked back home, alone, you decide to have a movie marathon. So, you grab a bunch of chips and popcorn and turn on Netflix, trying to forget what happened. But, it was extremely hard. He was your crush, your best friend. You didn't understand why he was acting like this and it annoyed you to the bone. You remembered the scene that happened that morning and it felt like you just drank a liter of liquid jealousy.

Ugh! I hate that girl, whoever she is! She just went ahead and walked into his life, and then they kissed! Why can't I get a kiss, huh?!

"Life is so unfair," You grumble under your breath.

After your movie marathon, you decide to go ahead and sleep. It was almost three in the morning and you had school the next day. Whoops.


You woke up with your blood boiling. While you were asleep, you thought about (C/N)'s stupid and childish behavior. Why was he ignoring you? You didn't do anything wrong, for Pete's sake!

You fish your phone out of your back pack and text him right away.

We need to talk. No exceptions. Meet me at the front of my house in fifteen.-(Y/N)

You were fed up. You needed to resolve whatever was going on between you two. It was frustrating and completely annoying.

He didn't respond which made you even more mad but you just hoped that he would show anyway.

When you finished getting ready, you walked out the door and waited a minute for (C/N). Finally, he showed.

"Come here." You point to the grass spot in front of you.

He obeys and stands in front of you.

You cross your arms and stare at him. "Why have you been avoiding me lately? I didn't do anything wrong. We're best friend's, for Pete's sake!" You study his eyes, they looked a little guilty and hurt.

"Shouldn't you be hanging out with (G/F/N)?" He says in pure disgust and annoyance.

You were about to start ranting to him about how frustrating it was not having him around when you realized what he said. "Wait- what?" You were confused.

"You know what I said! Shouldn't you be hanging out with your little boyfriend?"

Your mouth drops open. "That's what this is about, isn't it? That's stupid kiss we shared?"

"What do you mean by 'stupid'?" He raises an eyebrow.

"It's because it wasn't real at all! I didn't enjoy it! He kissed me and I didn't kiss back. If you watched the entire thing, I pushed him away. Unlike you did with that blondie," You say, muttering the last thing.

"But-but... He kissed you!" He cries out.

"Are you jealous?" You ask him in disbelief.

His cheeks turn red and it confirmed it, he was jealous. "N-no..."

You shake your head and laugh. "You're a coward. And that's why you kissed that blondie, am I correct? You were jealous?" You raise a questioning eyebrow, smirking.

He looks down and nods, blushing.

"Awww! That's so sweet!" You cry out, pinching his cheeks.

"Shut up," he grumbles. "You were jealous too!"

Your cheeks grew warm. "Of coarse I wasn't!"

"Lies, lies." He shakes his head. "When are you gonna admit you're undying love for me?" He jokes.

You almost choke on the air when he said that. But you play it off.

"I was just gonna ask you the same thing, Mr. Jealous." You wink at him playfully.

He chuckles and takes a step forward. "How about I admit it right now?"

You furrow your eyebrows. "What do you-" You try to say but you're cut off but his lips connecting to yours. You kiss back.

When you pull apart, you looked into his eyes, your heart beating fast. "Now that was real."

He smirks and kisses your cheek gently.

Then, you guys walk to school together, hand in hand.


is it just me or when you're reading a book and the main character's love interest gets jealous, you find it extremely attractive? LOL. just me? ok.

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