One Hundred Things I've Wanted To Say

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warning: if you are emotional (like me) make sure you have a box of tissues and pringles next to you, it'll help the pain. :')


You flip through the channels in boredom, not knowing what to watch. It was a rainy Saturday and you were home alone so you decided to watch some TV. Your dog, Salmon, was sitting next you on the couch while you lightly stroked his fur.

You came across the news and you stopped.

Hmm, I wonder what's on the news today... Maybe some juicy gossip about the latest celebrity events? You thought.

You listen to what the news reporter says on your TV.

"Breaking news! A young boy, of the name of (C/N) (C/L/N), has been run over by a car. He's in the hospital at this moment. The person who was driving the car proclaims it was an accident because he didn't see him crossing the street." She pauses after she finishes. "Back to you, John."

Your mouth drops open when you register the information. You quickly turn off the TV and grab your keys, rushing out the door and to your car. Once your inside, you speed to the hospital.

You and (C/N) are best friends. You guys hang out almost everyday and tell eachother everything. But, over time, you've developed a major crush on him. So now, that you know he's in the hospital, you're terrified. He was your best friend, your crush. You didn't want anything to happen to him.

When you arrive at the hospital, you jump out of your car and run as fast as you can inside the hospital.

When you spot a nurse, you grab her arm, earning her attention. "What room is (C/N) (C/L/N) in?" You ask, panic rising in your throat.

"One fifty-three. Just over there." She points to a room not to far.

"Thanks." You rush over to the room and knock on it twice, hoping that he's alright.

(C/N)'s mom opens the door. "I saw you through the window. Come in."

You nod and speed walk over to (C/N). He has a cast on his right leg and left arm. His head was wrapped and so were his wrists.

Your eyes grew watery as you saw his face. He still managed to smile at you.

"Hey, (Y/N)." His tone was so casual that it scared you. He acted like everything was alright when it wasn't.

"Are you okay?" You ask him. "How are you feeling?" You can't help but feel extremely worried and nervous.

He chuckles. "I'll most likely be fine. No need to get worked up about it."

Your eyes widen at his words. "What do you mean by 'no need to get worked up about it'?! You got run over by a freaking car!" You immediately regret raising your voice. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried, alright?"

He smiles. "Thanks, (Y/N), but I'll be alright."

You manage to crack a smile. "Good."

You look at the computer to his left, showing how his heart is beating. It was regular. A sigh of relief escapes your lips.

You turn to his mom and see that she has the same worried expression you had a minute ago. You feel very bad. You know it must be hard for her because he was her only child. Your mind wondered how you would react if you were in her shoes. You were surprised she was acting so calm.

Just as everything started to wash away, your nervousness, your worry, you notice that (C/N) isn't breathing. You couldn't hear it at all and you panic.

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