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hey guys :) just a little note that this will be a girl x girl imagine :) this is also dedicated to @horses1442


(C/N) POV:

I walk down the hallway and sigh in relief. It was finally the end of the day and the students got to go home. After taking multiple tests and quizzes, I was ready to take a nap.

"Hey (C/N)!" I see my best friend in the distance and wave to him.

"Hey (C/B/F/N)! What's up?" I ask, sending him a smile.

(C/B/F/N) has always been my best friend and we did everything together since the diaper days. Word has been going around that we are dating, but that's not true. I don't like him and I... swing for the other team... if you know what I mean. But, the only person that knows that about me is (C/B/F/N). I'm to afraid to tell my parents or anyone else, so I keep it to myself and so does my best friend.

Anyways, (B/F/N) smiles back and shrugs. "Nothing much. What about you girly?" he asks.

I shrug as well. "Tired I guess. If you want, you can come over after school?" I offer. We always go to each others houses because our parents know each other.

He nods his head. "Sure."

I smile, but then, I spot something in the corner of my eye. It was a girl... and I believe her name was Scarlett. Scarlett had brown luscious hair and was in my Geometry class. We didn't talk much but she sure was a cutie.

As soon as Scarlett notices me looking at her, she rushes off somewhere and I frown. I wonder why she was so shy...

"(C/N)?" My best friend interrupts my thoughts and waves a hand over my face.

I snap back to reality. "Right, sorry dude." I walk out the school doors and he follows me. Since my house is near the school, I walk to school and from school. So, as we're walking, we make small talk and for some reason, my mind keeps on coming back to Scarlett with her perfect brown hair and cute figure.


The next day I walk into school and everything seems normal. Well, until I reach Geometry class.


Scarlett's POV:

I sit down in my seat and wait for (C/N) to get here. I did this everyday. Just silently admiring from far away because I know I'll never get her to be mine...

My head pops up as I hear a voice. "Hey can I sit here?" I look into the person's face and notice it's... (C/N)?!??!

Slightly panicking, I nod my head vigorously and motion towards the desk next to me with trembling hands.

What if she actually does like me? I think, but wipe away the thought when I remember she has a crush on her guy best friend. The word has been going around that they are dating and I believe it myself. They seem like they like each other after all the time they spend together... there is no chance in her liking me.

I sigh sadly as the class starts.

Throughout the class I sneak glances at her and blush every time she catches me.

Finally, after what seemed like forever went by, my teacher dismissed us and we were free to go to our next period.

As I exited the room, I saw (C/N)'s best friend waiting for her by the door. I frown and put a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I start to walk to my next class, not wanting to see them talk and laugh with each other. It all hurt so much.

My thoughts swarmed around me and I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Then, suddenly, I crash into someone and fall down, dripping all my stuff.

Looking up, my breath dies in my throat and it starts to become hard for me to breathe entirely. It was (C/N).

"Oh sorry, Scarlett," she apologizes.

Wait she knows my name?!?!!?!

I laugh a little and blush. "N-no problem," I stutter.

She helps me up and I get electrified by the touch of her hand. She obviously felt it too because she began to blush.

Then, I run away from the scene, not wanting to embarrass myself any more than I already did that day.


The next few days went on like that. Random moments with (C/N) and me blushing a whole lot. I started to gain confidence in myself.

"Hey Scarlett!" (C/N) says as she sits next to me with a smile on her face.

I wave and say hello back.

The class goes by and I can tell she was staring at me fifty percent of the time. I was probably as red as a tomato.

As soon as we got dismissed, I ran for the door, but (C/N) stops me so suddenly.

"W-what's up?" I ask nervously.

She brings me outside the classroom and takes my hand.

What the-

"Listen Scarlett, I wanted to talk to you about something that I've been... feeling lately..." she says which makes me eager to hear what she has to say.

"Go on..." I start to sweat and she takes a piece of my hair and plays with it.

"See... I think.. I think..." she trails off and it's killing me to find out.

"What are you girls doing? Get to class!" the teacher instructs us.

I don't hesitate and run away to my next period.


At lunch, (C/N) found me again and took my hand.

"Listen. We need to talk."

I nod and wait for her to finish what she wanted to tell me earlier.

She clears her throat and stands up on a random lunch table. "Attention everyone! Hello!" She waves her hands in the air and soon everyone in the lunch room was staring at her.

She motions me to step on the table and I hesitantly get on.

"I have an announcement to make." She them turns to me and I start to sweat. "I, (C/N) (C/L/N), have a crush on Scarlett." She motions to me and smiles at everyone watching.

I stop and everything inside me freezes. It's like I couldn't get my brain to function. I pinch myself to make sure I'm in real life and when I feel the pain, I start to tear up. (C/N) actually likes me...

"You see, I know it might be a shocker that I like girls, but I do! And now you know that I'm not dating my best friend because I like girls. Yes, I said it, and I'm okay with it." She's standing tall and confident, looking everyone in the eye.

I clear my throat and look into her eyes once she glances at me. "I like you too." I smile.

Everyone starts cheering the cafeteria and she pulls be close and plants a magical kiss on my lips.

It felt like it was all from a perfectly made fairytale, but it wasn't. It was real life.


my requests are open if you want to request a one-shot <3 don't forget to vote and leave a comment :) love you all!

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