A Slumber Party Sneak Out

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you probably get a sort of idea where this is going... hehe ;)


You roll your eyes at Claire, not letting her words effect you.

Claire, the mean girl of the entire school, has been invited to your friends slumber party because they were second cousins, sadly.

She always picks on you but you just ignore her and don't let her ruin your fun.

All of your friends, including the one who was hosting the sleepover, didn't like Claire. Even if they're second cousins!

She was awfully rude and didn't care about anybody but herself. And, at school, and especially around the boys, she would act all innocent and fake.

One of the big things about Claire is that she has a gigantic crush on (C/N), who so happens to be your crush as well, unfortunately. No body knows except for your best friend, (B/F/N), who swore she would keep it a secret.

"Hey, girls, listen up!" Claire announces above all the ruckus.

All the girls stop they're mini conversations and look at Claire, wondering what she about to say.

"This party is totally boring. So, I was wondering if you guys want to sneak out or something? Maybe we can go to the basketball court down the road... the boys will be there too!" she squeals annoyingly.

Most of the girls roll they're eyes, including yourself. Of coarse she wants to meet up with the boys.

You sigh and speak up. "I don't think anyone really wants to do that."

Claire looks offended and disgusted. "No body even asked you!" she shouts.

You slump back on the couch and cross your arms, waiting for the other girls to deal with it. If she didn't listen to you, who would she listen to?

When not even one person says anything, everyone knew it was official.

They were sneaking out.


You shiver as the cold air breezes past. All you were wearing was a light hoodie and sporty shorts.

"There it is!" some girl exclaims, pointing to the basketball court that you could barely make out, it was super dark.

All of the girls approach carefully, not wanting to make too much noise.

You spot some dark figures approaching from the other side of the court and you knew it was the boys. You could kind of see their sneakers and messy hairdos.

"This is gonna be a train wreck," (B/F/N) whispers in your ear.

You nod in agreement. "Totally."

Claire steps forward, looking like the leader of the pack. "Boys," she greets them, batting her eyelashes "adorably".

Some guy that you don't know the name of, approaches Claire. "Hey, Claire," he says with a deep and sort of mysterious voice.

Your eyes look around  the tiny group of boys and they finally land on the person you were looking for. (C/N).

(C/N) was leaning against a tree, looking uninterested in the boys' conversation or what was gonna happen with Claire and that random dude.

You quickly tell (B/F/N) that you'll be right back before walking towards the tree that (C/N) was leaning on.

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