Stuck In A Romance Novel

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hey! it's been a bit since i've updated this book :) also, it would mean the world to me if you checked out some of my other works on my profile!!!


You climb onto the bus hastily, feeling (B/F/N)'s hands shoving you from behind. Excited squeals are heard behind you, and you hurry up to minimize the embarrassment of being associated with someone as loud as your best friend.

"(B/F/N)," you drawl, trudging through the narrow aisle of the field trip bus, "I don't understand why you're so excited about this right now. We're going to a goshdarn museum."

Her irritating hands continue to poke and prod your back, urging you to speed up. "Some of us like to actually go out and see things. Not everybody likes to be cooped up with a book all day," she elaborates with a scoff.

Rolling your eyes, you hum in response to her directed jab. Who cares if you spend all your free time reading? What else are you supposed to do? Go to a party?

You pause, finding two empty, plush seats to your left. It's toward the front of the bus, and that makes you ease up. "How about right here?" you ask, gesturing toward to your left. 

(B/F/N) shakes her head vigorously, reverting to her old motion of pushing you forward. "No, no, no. We're sitting in the back," she declares sternly, leaving no room for discussion. 

Your nerves start buzzing and the back of your neck is coated in nervous beads of sweat. The back of the bus? Nothing good happens at the back of the bus.

"There," (B/F/N) announces from behind you, sticking her hand out to point to an empty row at the rear end of the bus, "that's perfect right there. C'mon!" She continues shoving you forward and you oblige, rushing to the destination reluctantly.

Once the two of you reach the two blue, patterned seats, you decide to plop into the one nearest to the window. That way, if anybody tries to communicate with either of you, (B/F/N) is in a better position to respond.

"I need to head to the bathroom really quick," (B/F/N) says, only heading to the bus bathroom after you nod in understanding. Without the presence of your chatty best friend, you begin to feel lonely, and boredom piles on you with the weight of a ton of bricks.

Sighing, you reach into your pocket and pull out your phone, doing the same thing you do every time you get uncomfortable. You click one of the books in your library, grinning externally. 

I finally get to see what happens to the two of them! Is she going to leave him? Is he going to apologize? I hope I don't read a steamy scene because that will just be awkward in a bus full of

"Hello? Is this seat taken?"

A squeak escapes your throat when the sudden voice disrupts the peaceful atmosphere. Out of reflex, you shut off your phone and bury it into your lap. 

Your cheeks glow red from embarrassment, and the crimson color only darkens when you glance up. Right in front of you stands (C/N), of all people. And, he's staring at you like you just spoke a nonexistent language.

Clearing your throat, you open your mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. Why isn't your voice working? Goshdarn nerves!

(C/N) takes your silence as a "no", swinging his body into the seat right beside you. You shuffle your body as close to the window as possible while gulping down the dry lump in your throat. 

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