Locker Soulmates

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hope you enjoy!


You walk into your school, feeling your daily excitement to start the day. But, what was so special about the beginning of the school day?

It was, as you call it, the best time of the day. The reason being, that you and your crush's lockers are located right next to each others. Also, it's really the only time the two of you interact during the day.

"Good morning," You greet (C/N) with a casual smile as you walk up to your locker.

He gives you a bright smile. "Good morning, (Y/N)." He opens his locker and takes out his binder. He starts to head to his classroom but he stops and faces you. "Oh and, by the way, you look really cute in that skirt." With that, he walks off.

Your cheeks turn red and your heart starts beating faster at the compliment. Sadly, you didn't get the chance to thank him or send him a compliment as well.

"Hey!" You hear a voice say behind you and you turn.

"Hi, (B/F/N)!" You say back cheerfully. The smile doesn't leave your face and she looks at you a bit puzzled.

"I know it's your favorite part of the day but... You usually aren't this cheerful... Did your locker soulmate say something?" She wiggles her eyebrows and nudges you.

You laugh. "First off, locker soulmate? Really? Second off, how did you guess it?"

She shruggs. "I could just tell." She pauses and studies your face. "Wait... did he give you a component?"

"How did you guess it again!"

She laughs and then she squeals. "What did he say to you?! Did he compliment your cuteness?"

You shove her lightly. "Pfft... I'm not that cute."

She rolls her eyes. "Sure. Now tell me what he said!" She.demands.

"Okay, okay. He said, and I quote, 'oh and, by the way, you look really cute in that skirt'."

She smiles. "He totally likes you."

You shake your head. "No. He probably likes someone way cuter than me."

(B/F/N) stares at you like you just said the impossible. "What do you mean 'cuter than me'!? There's nobody cuter!"

You laugh and shake your head. "You're crazy."

"And you're dumb for thinking there's anyone cuter than you."

You roll your eyes and sigh. "You are one stubborn girl."

"And I'm also an awesome best friend."


Usually, at the end of the day, you didn't see (C/N) at his locker because he's usually was talking to his friends at that time. Okay, it's sounds a bit stalkerish, I know.

Anyways, today was different.

You were about to open your locker to put away your stuff but you stop when you see him coming towards you.

"Hey!" He says, walking to his locker.

"Oh, uh, hey! I don't usually see you at the end of the day... So, what gives?" You ask, trying to hide the fact that you know his schedule for the entire school day and that being there wasn't in it.

He shrugs. "Meh, I don't really feel like sticking around. I decided to just head straight to my locker today."

You nod your head in understanding.

When he doesn't say anything, you turn towards your locker and put your unneeded things inside it. You close it and fix your back pack strap so it was completely over your shoulder.

"So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow." You wave and he smiles. A second after, you walk down the hallway and out the double doors.

Then a thought hits you.

Why did (C/N) just stand there and not get his stuff when we were at our lockers?

You remember waving to him and seeing that he still had his stuff and his locker wasn't even open yet.

It was strange and unusual but you just shook it off.


You open your locker the next morning and a piece of paper flies out of it and lands on the ground.

You bend down and pick up the paper. You notice it had words written on it so you start to read it.

Meet me in the courtyard in five minutes.


You were confused but also very excited.

Maybe that's why he wasn't here this morning... You thought.

That was true. He wasn't here that morning and you were starting to get nervous until you read the note. It was all super strange because he had never left you a note before.

The next thing you know, it's been five minutes and you should already be in the courtyard.

Alarm bells go off in your head and you close your locker and race to the courtyard.

You open the door and look around the field of grass. You spot a tiny figure sitting at one of the tables and you walk over there, assuming it was him.

"Hey," he greets you as you approach closer.

Unaware of what to do, you sit down with him. "Hey."

A couple seconds of silence go by and the question pounded in your head. So, you finally decided to ask it.

"Why did you want me to meet you here?"

He took a moment to reply.

"I needed to confess."

A puzzled look comes into your face as you listen to his response. "What do you mean?"

"I... like you, (Y/N). A lot, actually. Every morning when we talk, you always have a bright smile on your face and it makes my entire day better. You're beautiful inside and out. You're kind, smart, and funny. I can't think of one time this year that you didn't make me smile. I just needed to tell you before it's too late and some other lucky guy has you in his arms."

You study his face and see honesty. He wasn't joking.

"Oh my God. I... like you too. The only reason I'm always happy in the morning is because I get the chance to talk to you..." You confess.

He smiles. "Same here."

He slowly comes closer to you and holds your face in his hands. He places a gentle kiss on your lips and you smile.

"So... now that we both confessed... Will you go out with me?" He asks.

You giggle and kiss his cheek. "Definitely."


have a request? let me know by leaving a comment or messaging me! have an amazing day!

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