Just A Friend

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 3rd Person POV

 [Y/N] was finished shopping for her date outfit. She was hoping she could've gone shopping with the guys, but it just didn't happen. 

 When she got back and entered her own room, she found roses on her bed. She walked up to them. "Hmm..who're these from?" She mumbled to herself, picking them up with one hand and having her dress in the other.

 On the tag that came with the roses, it had Jimin written in cursive. She smiled at it. She knew Jimin was the sweet kind. Then, her phone rang and ruined her moment. [Y/N] laid her outfit on her bed and took it out of her pocket. It was Eunwoo. She answered the call. "Hello?

 "Are you ready..?"

 "Not yet. But i'll call you when I am." [Y/N] smiled.

 "I'll be waiting beautiful!"

 [Y/N] could just imagine Eunwoo smiling widely on the other line. She mumbled a "Okay.." And the call was over. She took the dress and ran to the bathroom and rushed to put it on. She was getting impatient.

 She showered first. When she was done showering, her hotel door opened. It was Hoseok. "[Y/N]?" Hoseok called for her. [Y/N] poked her head out of the bathroom. All she was wearing was a towel.

 "Hoseok?" She asked. Hoseok covered his eyes. "Woah..! Did I come at a bad time. I can come back..!" He says. "No that's fine! I'm just putting on this dress." You respond. Hoseok put his hands in his pockets and stood there. "I just wanted to come to see you on your way. You've grown up so fast! We all thought you'd be alone forever." Hoseok laughed.

 [Y/N] continued to put on the dress as he spoke. "Even though we don't agree on some of your decisions..we'll still always be there for y-"

 [Y/N] walked out of the bathroom with her dress on, making Hoseok stop talking. She walked out slowly, so he could look at her and take in all her beauty in one look. "Wow.." was all Hoseok could manage to speak out. [Y/N] chuckled at his remark. "Could you help me with the zipper?" She asked, pointing to her back.

 She walked closer to Hoseok. And when she was close enough, she turned around. Hoseok got to see her back as the zipper was all the way down low. He gulped as he raised his hands to the zipper.

 His finger slid up her back as he zippened her dress. When it finally reached the top, he slowly took his hands away from her back. She turned around and looked like nothing had happened. "Thanks Hoseok!" She smiled. He caught his breath. "No problem." He says.

 [Y/N] was about to get her shoes, when Hoseok stopped her. "[Y/N]? I want to remember this moment. Let's me take a picture of you." He says. She nods, "Of course, Hoseok!"

 Then [Y/N] backed up for Hoseok to take a picture. He took out his phone and turned on the camera. "Okay [Y/N] say, 'you're my hope'!"

 "You're my hope!"


 "Perfect!" Hoseok says, smiling at the picture. "Alright, I have to hurry. Don't wanna be late!" [Y/N] says with a pancake smile. "Oh..yeah..sure thing." Hoseok says, a bit out of energy.

 [Y/N] puts on her boots and then perfume. "This date must be important to you, huh?" Hoseok says, watching her. "Yeah..Eunwoo is pretty cool." She says.

 "Well i'm cool too!" Hoseok raises his eyebrows. "Oh trust me. I know." [Y/N] jokes. "But, Eunwoo asked me out. So now I get to go out with him." She smiled.

 Hoseok nodded. Dang it! I should've asked her out when we met!

 When [Y/N] was finished everything, she sighed. "Well..I've got a date to attend to." She says, walking passed Hoseok. "Of course! You go get him." Hoseok try to sound enthusiastic.

 Hoseok walk with her out of the room. They go their separate ways.


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