Tell Her

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 After meeting with Jin, we had both left. He called a driver because him and the boys were supposed to meet up somewhere.

 For business of course. I got in my own car. Jin made me feel 10x better. I never knew how he could do that, even when the worst has happened. He has the power to make me smile.

 I sat there in the drivers seat. The car wasn't on, I just sat there.

 That's when I decided to call Jimin. I wanted to apologize. Even if his accusation is wrong, I should've never went off on him like that.

 I had my phone in both hands. It was in my contacts and Jimin's name was right there. My thumb hovered over it. Why was I hesitating? Jimin is my best friend. Just press it. 
But before I could press his name, my phone started ringing and the screen immediately changed.

 Jimin was calling me. I was shocked that he called me before I could call him.

 I wondered if he hesitated like me.

 I answered, of course.
Then, held the phone up to my ear. "Jimin?" 
"[Y/N]?" His voice asked on the other line. I missed it, and him saying my name. I suddenly urged to see that perfect Jimin smile. But, we had to take care of things first.

 "Where're you?" He asks.
I look around. "Erm..i'm in the city. I'm not busy or anything if you wanna meet up."
"Actually, all the boys want to see you. We're going to meet up in the studio, you'll be there?" 

 I smiled. "Yes, i' on my way now." 
"Take your time. The boys are kind of split up so some might be late."

 I was silent for a second.

 "Jimin, I-"

 "Okay, see you there [Y/N]!"


 The call ended. I sighed. Then, put the phone away and started the ignition. I know where their studio is.

 All that was on my mind was Jimin. I used one hand to steer, and my other hand was on my forehead, checking for a fever.

 My hand was pretty warm, so I couldn't really tell. I needed someone else's hand. Jimin. Jimin. Jimin. 
"Agh! What is wrong with me.."

 I was standing in front of the studio door. Before I could even knock the door swung open, and there was Kim Taehyung.

 "[Y/N]!!!" He shouted and attacked me with a tight hug. "Awh..Taehyung!!" I smiled. Taehyung didn't release the hug. "I missed you so much!! Where have you been? Are you staying? Did you miss me too??" He swarmed me with questions.

 "Of course.." I say softly. He still didn't released the hug. "Hey, are you gonna have her all to herself?" A voice behind Taehyung grumbled. He then released me and turned behind him. It was Yoongi. "Ah! Yoongi!" I smiled. He opened his arms and I gladly hugged him too.

 "Hey [Y/N]."

 "I missed my Yoongiverse.." I said in a cute voice. "Am I in your yoongiverse, [Y/N]?" Taehyung asked. "Of're really important." I nodded and smiled.

 Taehyung then hugged us both, so it would be a group hug. Then the hug released. "Where's the others?" I put my hands in my pockets. "Jin and Jungkook are still out, but they're on their way here." Yoongi explained.

 I walked deeper into the studio. There was Namjoon sitting at a black chair with wheels. He had a black snap back on and looked really focused to what he was doing. I put my hands together. Then cleared my throat.

 He turned to me quick.

 "Oh [Y/N]!!!" He stood up and hugged me. I gladly hugged him back. Wow..I didn't realize how much I missed these boys.

 "Where have you been?" Namjoon asked me. I held my hands together. "W-With Eunwoo.." I smile. I don't know why I stuttered, what's wrong with me. Namjoon nodded.


 He simply says.

 Yeah..I had an idea the boys didn't like him.
I turned my head to the side, and there was another member sitting in a black chair away from me. He was facing opposite of me, but I could tell it was him.

 I walked over there.

 I was about to tap him on the shoulder, like I was inches away, until..

 "Can me and [Y/N] have a moment alone, please?"

 Jimin said, not even turning around to everyone. The boys looked at each other with confused faces, but then they shrugged.

 They went for the door.

 "Don't take too long." Yoongi said, before shutting it.

 I turned back to Jimin, I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.
"[Y/N]..I have something to tell you."

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