Chapter 5

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"Good times become good memories and bad times become good lessons."

Chapter 5
Andrea's pov

You know how people say if you're happy for others then you'll eventually become happy?

Well right now I couldn't do that. Although I had my skating and my unconditional passion for music I still knew I wasn't happy enough.

Living in the abscence of a father really takes a toll on your life whether he treated you right or not.

Right now, me and Mia were at her house getting her ready for her big date with Ethan.

Yes, I know I shouldn't be jealous of Mia but I can't help but envy her a little seeing as she's finally beginning to meet someone.

What if she leaves me too?

Mia will have Ethan. My mum will have Frank, but who will I have?

"Andy? Andy, can you hear me?" Mia says as she waved her hands in front of my face trying to regain my attention.

"Oh. What were you saying again?" I ask her.

"I was saying, should I wear the red and black dress or the purple one? I can't choose." She says as she had a frustrated look on her face.

"The red and black." I have my answer.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, sensing something was troubling her.

"Andy, what if he doesn't like me? What if I'm not good enough?" She asks as she continued to stress.

"Mia, he asked you out. Of course he'll like you and don't get me started on how amazing and beautiful you are. I would date you too if I swung the other way." I tried to lighten up her mood.

"Thanks Andy. Come on let's go do my makeup." She says as she dragged me to her dressing table.


Mia looked amazing. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection, her make up was light and she wore some ebony pumps alongside her red and black aztek dress which was around mid-length.

" do I look?" She asks for the thousandth time.

"You look amazing, now go before he leaves. You wouldn't want that wouldn't you?" I tease her.

"I'm not over doing it?" She continues to question me.

"Mia...." I say as I give her a stern look.

"Ok. Ok. I'm going." She says as she finally left.

I finally cleared up Mia's room after all the mess she made and got up ready to leave.

"Bye Carla." I said as I waved goodbye to Mia's mum.

"Bye Andy. Have a good evening." She replies.

"Sure will Mrs R." I say as I finally bid farewell to her.

I walked home seeing as Mia's house was only a couple minutes away.

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