Chapter 27

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"Happiness is seeing your family after a long time away."

Chapter 27
Andrea's pov

How could she know my name? That was the only question running through my head. Not, who is she? although I am still quite curious about that, but how could she know my name?

"How....?" The words just couldn't leave my mouth.

"Zach talks about you all the time when he visits." She answers my half spoken question.

"If he told you my names Andrea, it's not. It's Andy, he just likes to piss me off." I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"I like you already." She smiles at me

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I couldn't help but ask.

What was so special about her? At first I thought Rose was his girlfriend but after seeing how young she is, I doubt that. She looked like she was around 12 years old or perhaps younger.

"Andrea, Rose is my sister." Zach spoke this time.

"Holy mother-fucking shit." I say out loud then tealise that there's a young girl right next to me. "Mind my language, sorry." I apologize.

"Holy Shit." I repeat.

"Holy Shit." I repeat again.

"Ok, Andrea you do know that my twelve year old sister is here." He laughed.

"Sorry." I apologized again for my unladylike language.

"Mother efffin sugar." I swore again.

"I like her better than you." Rose spoke.

"I didn't know you had a sister I just thought it was you and your mother." I voice my thoughts.

"Nope. Rose is here because she can't really leave." He says vaguely.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Rose asks.

"No...I'm just his friend. That's if you can call him a friend." I answer whispering the last part causing Rose to giggle.

"Then why do you have a hickey on your neck." The little girl asks. Let me repeat that. The little girl.

I looked in the mirror to check until realising that there was a huge, and I mean huge, hickey on my collarbone.

I turned around to see Zach sniggering away and Rose smiling widely.

"Wait a minute Rose, how do you know what a hickey is?" I eye her.

"He's the one that gave that to you, you should be shouting at him." She points at Zach.

"Thanks for reminding her." Zach groans.

"Thanks for reminding me Rose." I say before yelling at him. "ZACH, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU." I throw another pillow at him.

"What? You were practically asking for it." He continues to laugh.

"This is going to take at least a week to fade. What am I going to do?" I panic for no reason.

"Babe, it doesn't matter. Just cover it up with a jacket or a scarf." He reassures me.

"So you are his girlfriend?" She asks.

"No, no offence Rose but your brother is what us girls like to call a bad boy." I let her know of her brothers deeds.

"Zach's always been like that." She smiles at me.

"He's always been a conceited jackass with a microphallus?" I ask.

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